Not so deep thoughts.
On My Mind

Ranking the Lego Video Games

Posted 03-16-2014 at 08:28 AM by rudyjuly2
I’ve played and watched a lot of Lego video games with my kids. Some of have been fantastic with many being fun. Most use the same formula with a few twists. The original games did not have screen tearing so you had to share the same screen with your co-op partner. Later games had screen tearing, open world hubs and eventually real voice acting instead of grunts. All games have humour and puzzles and smashing. I don’t care about online so that component does not factor into the score. I will...
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Cade Cunningham
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NCAA Football = MLB 2K

Posted 05-31-2012 at 06:41 AM by rudyjuly2
In so many ways EA’s NCAA Football is similar to MLB 2K on the 360. In both games the players don’t look and move right. The animations are poor and when you see a video of the gameplay you never think it looks real. Both games have had quite a few bugs the last few years and if you want to play the sport you love you only have one choice and it’s a flawed one.

Unlike some people I don’t consider either NCAA Football or MLB 2K to be horrible games. I did enjoy NCAA 09 and NCAA...
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Cade Cunningham
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Posted 01-02-2011 at 11:25 AM by rudyjuly2
Blood Stone is a typical 3rd person shooter that features Daniel Craig as the rough and tumble Bond agent. The game puts a heavy emphasis on the story which is as good as a typical Bond movie. The graphics are decent with nothing to complain or rave about. Much of the focus is on taking cover and firing but stealth does play a significant role in the game. While you can choose to “crash the party” some areas are nearly impossible to defeat without using stealth. There are also quite a few racing...
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Cade Cunningham
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Posted 12-21-2009 at 11:43 AM by rudyjuly2
I’ve read some really good things about this program. It doesn’t appear to be a "get-thin-quick-scheme" at all. It requires an intense amount of exercise as well as a good diet. It truly seems like a great thing for people to do. But do I have to see ads for it EVERYWHERE? I can’t go to a website without seeing a bunch of rollover ads where I can see before and after pictures of people on this program.

And what’s with these people in the before pictures? I know you...
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Cade Cunningham
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Sports Psychology

Posted 11-18-2009 at 01:11 PM by rudyjuly2
Why do some players perform well in the clutch and why do some others “choke”? Are sports psychologists just a bunch of quacks or can they be helpful? I had the opportunity a little while ago to hear a presentation by a noted Canadian sports psychologist Dr. Peter Jensen. He works with Canadian Olympic athletes and is currently working with the women’s hockey team. He’s also worked with Fortune 500 companies and is an accomplished author. Being someone that knows very little about psychology,...
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Cade Cunningham
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