Sunday, November 30, 2008
11:07 PM - November 30, 2008. Written by JohnDoe8865
As the title indicates, I'm 27 years old. It feels weird, kinda like in between being young (16-24) and middle aged (30-40?).

I was wondering if anyone else here feels the same way? I don't feel like I fit in well with any "generation". Kind of like a gap is there. Most everyone I hang out with is either a few years younger or some years older than me. I don't even know that many people that are my age.

My best friends are all in college or younger than me, but the people I really identify with are older than me.

It's also hard to be a single guy at my age. Most guys I know my age are married or engaged. Makes for some awkward times at the holidays.
Blog: JohnDoe8865
Friday, November 28, 2008
08:55 AM - November 28, 2008. Written by Steve_OS
Stuffed myself with food on turkey day and watched the Boys smash the Hawks. Fun times... Now the schedule gets much tougher, the last 4 weeks of the season is a brutal stretch. Hopefully the Skins and Falcons lose this weekend.

What's up with you?
  • Q'sOTD: How was your Thanksgiving, get any Black Friday deals today?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

Mule (43), WaddupCouzin (36), ravnos (33), ijgator (29), heitkamp94 (29), PdiddyPop (25), Beach Bum112885 (23), JB OnLiNe (22), cameldunginit2 (22), Sabercatsfan (21)
Blog: Steve_OS
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
05:52 AM - November 26, 2008. Written by Steve_OS
Played a little Left 4 Dead last night, single player mode seems meh to me. But I keep hearing about how the online element is unreal. Will try to give that a shot tonight.

What's up with you?
  • QOTD: What are your Thanksgiving plans?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

dmorris8 (30), sparkygman (20), SteelCurtain905 (18)
Blog: Steve_OS
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
08:07 AM - November 25, 2008. Written by bronco92
The 3 finalists in the Best Looking Arena competition have been announced. They are:




You can vote for your favorite in this forum poll.

The winner gets a game of their choice on any console (except if Steve wins, he just gets a pat on the back )
Blog: bronco92
05:55 AM - November 25, 2008. Written by Steve_OS
Oh look, the Saints just scored another TD...

I'm so tired right now, I actually want to hide under my desk and catch a few Z's.

The Blackberry Storm update never came through yesterday, so now it's just a waiting process and a guessing game, as to when the update will come. Looking forward to the update, but having a blast w/ the phone, as is.

What's up with you?
  • QOTD: Who is the most underrated athlete in professional sports?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

dre (40), TecmoBowl (34), ScottISU (28), Rocky (22), sport_4141 (22)
Blog: Steve_OS
Monday, November 24, 2008
10:45 PM - November 24, 2008. Written by JohnDoe8865
Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. The busiest shopping day of the entire year. Some stores in my area will be opening at 3 AM. Most stores will be having some kind of ridiculous discounts to get people in the door.

I work at a retail store. I have to work the opening shift on Black Friday. I'm pissed off. I wasn't scheduled to work Friday when my schedule was made this week. I was scheduled for Thanksgiving day, which I accepted because after all, someone has to do it.

Tonight my manager informed me, that instead of her working on Black Friday - as the schedule had said she would - that the schedule had changed now, and I was now going to work it and she would take one of my days earlier in the week. That is BS right there.

I'll be working the entire store by myself from open until 5 pm. I hate my job as it is, and the biggest reason is the crap like this that goes on there. The schedule was arbitrarily changed when the manager came into work today and found out that she was supposed to be on duty for Black Friday. So now she and her salary that more than doubles my salary, has the day off while I get ambushed by holiday shoppers looking for a deal.

I had to vent about this, it pisses me off to the core. I want to get out of that sh*+hole so bad.

Has anyone ever seen the movie Falling Down? I worry sometimes that I'm gonna flip out like that.

Anyway, thanks for reading.
Blog: JohnDoe8865
06:42 AM - November 24, 2008. Written by bronco92
For all you bloggers out there I have two new things to show you today that I hope you'll like.

Head over to your blog and look for the new Recent Comments link. Click on it to see a list of all of the comments that have been made on your blogs. Starting tomorrow you'll also receive a Notification each time a new comment is left.

The second thing is something for everyone, even those who do not blog. We now have a dedicated Blog Comments page that lists all of the comments made on any blog on OS.

There you have it. Check back shortly when we'll be revealing the new Reader Score page designed to let you view and edit all of your Reader Score votes.
Blog: bronco92
04:46 AM - November 24, 2008. Written by Steve_OS
Nice win for the Cowboys, but unfortunately, everyone else fighting for wildcard births won as well, so a big win over the Hawks on turkey day is very much needed, before the brutal 4 game stretch to end the season. BTW, Philly fans like the McNabb benching?

Played around quite a bit w/ my new Blackberry Storm, the phone is amazing. It's a bit on the slow side, but I hear an update sometime today should solve those issues. A huge upgrade from my previous Samsung i760. If you have any questions, I can try to answer them.

What's up with you?
  • QOTD: How did your team(s) fare over the weekend?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

paylor1970 (38), NYC_1973 (35), JusBlaze164 (22), primo1 (22), Ruff Ryder
Blog: Steve_OS
Saturday, November 22, 2008
12:25 AM - November 22, 2008. Written by bronco92
For those of you with internet connections on your mobile/cell phones, which lets face it, is just about everybody these days, I've put together some helpful information to make surfing Operation Sports easier.

1. Use Viigo to view OS News

If you have a Blackberry or a phone that uses Windows Mobile you need to download Viigo. As well as being great for keeping you up to date with sports scores this program has a very easy to use RSS feed reader. It comes pre-loaded with a bunch of popular news feeds (TechCrunch, Crackberry.com, Engadget etc) but to add OS to your list all you need to do is go to Menu >> Add Channel >> Add Your Own Channel and paste in our News RSS Feed URL: http://www.operationsports.com/rss.xml. OS will now be easily accessible from your list of news feeds.

2. Use the Mobile URL the view the Forums

This has never formally been announced, so if you are not aware of this URL you are not alone. If you want a quick and easy way to browse the Operation Sports Forums on a mobile device you simply need to type in: http://m.operationsports.com. This address will take you directly to a quick-loading and stream-lined version of the forums designed specifically for mobile viewing.

If you have feedback on how we could improve your mobile OS viewing please respond with a comment.
Blog: bronco92
Friday, November 21, 2008
05:55 AM - November 21, 2008. Written by Steve_OS
The Pistons got manhandled last night. That is all...

My freakin' Xbox 360 died last night. I tried everything, it just won't fire up. Oh well, it was annoyingly loud for some odd reason. Maybe my replacement won't be as loud, we'll see.

Looking forward to the weekend, it has been a rough week at work.

What's up with you?
  • QOTD: What are your plans for the weekend?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

CRKnight13, Hootiefish (29), conboy31 (25), mydownfall1185 (23), CardsFan27 (22), trukhed (22)
Blog: Steve_OS
Thursday, November 20, 2008
05:46 AM - November 20, 2008. Written by Steve_OS
Sorry Boom and EG, the first half looked pretty good for you guys, but the 2nd half was all Stones. Bring on the C's!

Played around with my NXE avatar yesterday, it actually looks a lot like me, LOL. Well, accept for the suit, I don't have an all white one, but it looks nice, so I kept it. I think there is a way to post my avatar in full view? If someone can hook me w/ that knowledge, I'll post mine here, but you can see my face on the right (in my Arena), in the Gamercard area.

What's up with you?
  • QOTD: You diggin' NCAA Basketball 09?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

Muzeman (34), cuppylove (29), corks895 (21), Thrasha (21), roonoc (19)
Blog: Steve_OS
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
05:31 AM - November 19, 2008. Written by Steve_OS
So, here I am... Almost 6:00 in the morning, just hoping to see the XBE available before heading into work... It doesn't look promising... I'm sure as soon as I leave, it will be available. I hear it is available, just not seeing it here yet.

Looking forward to the Stones vs. Cavs game tonight! Good luck Boom and EG, not.

What's up with you?
  • QOTD: How do you like the new NXE?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

bisons18, dcf360, vikingsfan1 (45), joey2171 (35), str8stuntin03 (24)
Blog: Steve_OS
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
05:35 AM - November 18, 2008. Written by Steve_OS
Too busy yesterday to get a post up, will try and get it going today.

Had a great weekend, as the Boys topped it off for me w/ a huge win over the Skins. Me and my stepson tackled each other when Barber iced the game.

Pistons went 3-1 on their west coast trip, I'll take that. Cavs and C's coming up, should be 2 great games. Really looking forward to destroying the Cavs though, right EG?

Bills lose in a great games against the Browns. Wide right...right TJ? Sounds agonizingly familiar, eh? LOL.

What's up with you?
  • QOTD: How did your team(s) fare over the weekend?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

daflyboys, ILuvMary (30), reasonable_doubt_ (26), onebmf044 (26), WBAHawky (18), Grizzkid101 (18), Munkey (16), irishfolife7 (16)
Blog: Steve_OS
Sunday, November 16, 2008
05:30 PM - November 16, 2008. Written by bronco92
With so many quality Arenas being revealed last week, I felt as though this competition did not get the attention it deserved. We are wanting to find the best looking Arena and need more nominations.

Which one of your friends has the best looking Arena in your opinion? Nominate this person and they could win a game of their choice on any platform.

Nominations close (for real this time) in 48 hours .
Blog: bronco92
05:27 PM - November 16, 2008. Written by JohnDoe8865
I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year. I personally do not feel so much of the stress that others do in regards to the holidays. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with me not having kids or a spouse to try and make happy for Christmas and I don't have in-laws that I am forced to visit. I am thankful for these things this time of year.

As a gamer, this is great time of year as well, so many big releases are coming or have come out since late September. For all of the good that this time of year brings then, what is my gripe?

Getting a cold/flu/virus/sick.

I always come down with some sort of illness shortly after the seasons change to fall and wintry weather. It is without fail. I think my health is cursed in the months of October, November, and December.

So now I'm coming down with something. I don't know yet whether it is a cold or something more serious. I have a low fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, and an upset/sour stomach. I haven't been this sick feeling all year long and now my number has come up it seems.

Being sick this time of year DOES stress me out quite a bit. It is trying to work through the illness and walk that line of trying not making my co-workers and customers sick and trying to not call in every day. It's worrying about making friends and family sick. It wondering how long will I feel this way?

I'm just coming off of a terrible month of October with my wisdom teeth and now I seem to have some sort of virus. When it rains, it pours it seems.

I've been doing a lot of reading on WebMd and other sources. I've got my zinc and echinacea lozenges. I've got my DayQuil and NyQuil. I'm armed with Cepocal throat drops. I've done about everything I know to do, drinking plenty of fluid etc. trying to cut down on the duration of this sickness.

So what say you OS? Are you down with the flu? Got a stubborn cold? What kind of things work best for you when you are under the weather? How do you cope with the chills and fatigue?
Blog: JohnDoe8865