Operation Sports News Post

The 100th episode of the Press Row Podcast features further analysis of the big sports titles that have recently landed, including further discussion of Madden 15, a spirited debate on the merits of The Golf Club, and a look into what happened with the PS4/Xbox One launch of NHL 15. Thank you to everyone who has helped us get to this great milestone, and we hope that we can be around for hundreds more episodes!

Joining us this week:Send us your feedback! We love to hear from you and can’t wait to read your stuff on the air in a future episode. Do it one of these ways:

1) Follow the show on Twitter at @PressRowPodcast and send us some Tweets while you’re there
2) Email the show at [email protected]
3) Respond to this post

Also, the Press Row Podcast is now available on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/...ow/id563624090) and Stitcher Radio (http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/oper...ss-row-podcast), so subscribe to it and rate it too!

Enjoy the show!

Run Time: 1 Hour, 30 Minutes

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Game: Operation SportsReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 20 - View All
Operation Sports Videos
Member Comments
# 1 spidertour02 @ 09/12/14 05:42 PM
Can I make a minor complaint about how you post these? You always include an audio player and a link to iTunes, but you never include the direct download link. I have to click through to get it from the Libsyn page. (As somebody that podcasts regularly, I tend to be leery of Libsyn ... it's rather finicky at times.)

Could you include the link in your posts? Pretty please?
# 2 snc237 @ 09/12/14 09:53 PM
Love these things guys. Wish there were more. I'm what you would call a serious gamer and I love sport video games (currently 43 in the world in nhl). As I don't have any friends that love video games as much as I do let alone sports video games it's great to hear other people that are as passionate as I am. Thank you everyone!
# 3 Steve_OS @ 09/12/14 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by spidertour02
Can I make a minor complaint about how you post these? You always include an audio player and a link to iTunes, but you never include the direct download link. I have to click through to get it from the Libsyn page. (As somebody that podcasts regularly, I tend to be leery of Libsyn ... it's rather finicky at times.)

Could you include the link in your posts? Pretty please?
Actually, there is a link in every post. It goes to this page, which has a download link. Am I understanding you correctly?
# 4 spidertour02 @ 09/13/14 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Actually, there is a link in every post. It goes to this page, which has a download link. Am I understanding you correctly?
I mean a direct download link -- for example, THIS (which I can immediately right click and save). Libsyn pages have a tendency to load like crap when there's anything resembling above-normal demand. (That's why the podcast network I'm with abandoned Libsyn entirely to host our own stuff on our own site.)

Like I said, though, it's a minor complaint. I just hate it when I need to reload a few times to get the page going.
# 5 ocat @ 09/13/14 05:47 AM
Another great show. Was pretty surprised at Owens thoughts about The Golf Club, I don't quite think he 'gets' what the aim of this game is, it's focus is mainly on the social side of gaming/golf. Yes it is trying to be sim, but it basically is about getting out there with some buddies and having fun. He said himself he played it 3 times, surely not enough to have formed a solid opinion, especially a harsh one as he had. Give it some time Owen, play with some friends and have some FUN!!!

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