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Old 05-07-2024, 12:57 AM   #174
OVR: 1
Join Date: Apr 2009
Re: HYPE/DC & Co - WWE 2K24 Project

Originally Posted by DOOM1990
Just want to say thank you Hype so much for this foundation…your ratings/AI Attributes/slider base are literal game changer.

With that being said I tweaked the sliders to play on Legend mode because I noticed the sequences and move combinations are a lot smoother than in normal and holy crap I think I broke the game along with your database. The ai vs ai matches are LEGITIMATELY like watching my favorite 90’s wrestlers on TV again..I did Mankind vs HHH, RVD vs Taz, and Stone Cold vs HBK and all 3 were to the point I’m literally screaming out loud watching them.

On legend (with my tweaks) there weren’t a whole bunch of false finishes, just incredible spots, run-ins and back and forths…I also downloaded the top voted move-sets for each superstar I use and they’re doing moves and hitting spots I’ve never even seen in the game before it’s literally incredbile. For example during HHH vs Mankind they did a spot where HHH tried to Irish whip Mankind and Mankind reversed Irish whipped HHH, HHH slid from under the ropes, ran back in the ring under the ropes from the other side of the ring and then clotheslined the hell out of Mankind after he turned around..literally yelled out loud after that lol.

Sorry for the long rant but I can’t thank you’s literally like playing a different game with all your revisions.
what other tweaks did you do other than legend? Thanks
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