
Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

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Old 12-10-2016, 11:14 PM   #81
wiscowilz's Arena
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

Originally Posted by Reed1417
Just letting you guys know Extreme Rules will be up tomorrow. I've been trying to figure out how to do my main event so that's why it's taking so long. But tomorrow for sure!

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Oooooo, possible dueling Extreme Rules PPVs tomorrow, if I have time. Have to grade a few things and football is on.
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Last edited by wiscowilz; 12-10-2016 at 11:33 PM.
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Old 12-11-2016, 12:52 AM   #82
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

Originally Posted by wiscowilz
Oooooo, possible dueling Extreme Rules PPVs tomorrow, if I have time. Have to grade a few things and football is on.
Should be fun for sure!! I honestly still don't know what I wanna do with my main event so I may let the CPU play it out like usual. This is tough because it's Brock and Cesaro haha!

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Old 12-11-2016, 06:59 PM   #83
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

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April Week 4

The show starts with the music of Triple H as he makes his way to the ring...
Triple H: Welcome to Extreme Rules the one night where WWE goes Extreme! We have a fantastic night of matches in store for you all including the crowning of all three championships! That's right the United States, Tag Team and WWE Universal Championships will all finally be on the line tonight! Dolph Ziggler will face Tyson Kidd for the United States Championship, The Dudley Boys will face The New Day for the Tag Team Championships and the big one, the WWE Universal Championship will be fought over by Cesaro and The Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar! Let's get Extreme!!

Match 1 Extreme Rules: Tyler Breeze vs. Fandango

Breeze wastes little time, soon as Fandango enters the ring he attacks him as he takes him down with a hurricanrana. He stomps on his chest then locks a chin lock in before slamming his head back into the mat. Fandango gets a jawbreaker on Breeze and throws his jacket at Tyler. Fandango charges Tyler and gets him in the corner to begin stomping away at his former partner. Tyler covers his face and eventually rolls out of the ring to take a breath. Fandango gives chase but is caught and hit with a Russian leg sweep by Breeze. Breeze goes under the ring and finds a baseball bat. He hits the downed Fandango in the back with it a few times then waits for him to get up. He swings again but this time it's blocked and Fandango returns the favor cracking the bat into Breeze's chest now. He sends Tyler into the steel steps and then back into the ring. Fandango climbs the top rope and connects with a ax handle to the back of the head of Tyler. Breeze rolls out of the ring again and again Fandango follows. Tyler sees this and runs around the ring. He quickly goes under the ring and grabs a chair, Breeze throws it into the ring. Now Tyler and Fandango get back in the ring there's a bit of a pause as both men look at the chair. Mad dash for the chair.....BAM! Beauty Shot from Tyler that sends Fandango's head bouncing off the chair on the ground! Clever plan there by Prince Pretty as he gets the victory!
Winner by pinfall: Tyler Breeze

We see The Miz backstage in the locker room and Stephanie McMahon walks in...
Steph: Hey Miz, remember how last week you said you were going to go after Dolph Ziggler if he won the United States Championship?
Miz: Yes I do, and that's still the plan if he wins. Since I don't have a match tonight I'm going to spend the evening with my lovely wife Myrse.
Steph: Well about that Miz, see I like you, your talented in the ring and Hunter likes that about you as well.
Miz: Well I'm glad someone finally recognizes my awesome talents around here. So what you're saying is you guys are naming me number one contender right?
Steph: Not exactly, we thought it would be a good idea since this is Extreme Rules and all to have you compete in a match. A triple threat match to determine the number one contender for the United States Championship. And your opponents are the man who beat you last week Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami. Earn that number one contendership Miz. Make us proud.
Miz: Are you guys serious? What was the point of saying all that stuff if you're not going to just hand me that spot? I'm an A-lister for crying out loud! I cut to the front of every line!
Stephanie by this point left the room to leave The Miz ranting to himself.

Match 2 WWE Tag Team Championship: The New Day (Kofi/Big E) vs. The Dudley Boys

Kofi and D-Von start out and Kingston with a neck breaker to D-Von. D-Von with a back body drop then a powerslam after whipping Kofi off the ropes. A Russian leg sweep by Kofi then a tag made to Big E. E comes in with a shoulder tackle, D-Von responds with an arm drag then picks up Big E for a powerbomb. He tags in Bubba Ray then Big E tags Kofi back in. Kofi now with a swinging neck breaker then a reverse STO that sends Bubba face first into the mat. Boom Drop by Kingston and New Day is rolling here! Kofi whips Bubba Ray into the corner and the Unicorn Stampede is running wild! Big E covers Bubba but a kick out at two. Bubba Ray now with a choke hold on E and Kofi breaks it up. Bubba turns around and spikes Kingston to the mat with a huge powerbomb! He tags D-Von back in and D-Von goes after Big E with a clothesline. E tags Kofi back in. Kofi whips D-Von to the corner but D-Von gets the boot up and hits a reverse DDT then sends Kingston to the corner where he connects with a rope hung neck breaker Cover but Kofi's out at two. Kingston with a monkey flip to D-Von then a tag to Big E. D-von gets up and sends Big E into his corner, Big E elbows Bubba Ray off the apron, then hits a Belly to Belly on D-Von! He sends D-Von to his corner and him and Kofi connect with Midnight Hour and win the match!!!
Winners by pinfall and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: The New Day

The scene cuts to Dolph Ziggler in an interview with Renee Young...
Renee: Tonight Dolph you face Tyson Kidd for the United States Championship. Do you have anything to say before your match?
Dolph: I know how great a competitor Tyson is. He's won numerous championships here in WWE and so have I. Tonight I am confident that we will tear the house down. But I'm also confident that there is only one show stealer, there's only one show off and that Renee...is me. I will become United States Champion tonight mark my words.

Match 3 Triple Threat #1 Contender for United States Championship: Hideo Itami vs. The Miz vs. Sami Zayn

Itami goes right at Miz and plants him with a powerbomb and lands stiff kicks to the face of Miz. Sami now with a frankenstiner to Itami and repeated elbow drops. Sami whips Hideo to the corner and Miz goes flying by Zayn and hits a clothesline to Itami in the corner that causes him to roll out. Miz taunts at Zayn and to the crowd. Zayn responds by sending Miz over the top rope and out to the floor and Sami now taunts right back at Miz. All three men back in the ring and Miz with an arm drag to Zayn then a whip to the corner and another flying clothesline. Sami with a clothesline of his own to Miz and Itami hits a big back suplex on Zayn that causes him to roll out. Itami runs to the corner and sees his opportunity....****nning high knee connects to Miz!! The cover 1-2-Miz gets the shoulder up at two!

Hideo sends Miz to the apron and back suplexes him onto the apron and to the floor. Sami runs over and Itami sends him face first into the table then into the ring. Miz puts Itami in the tree of woe and stomps his chest. Now Miz and Sami team up to hit a double gut buster on Hideo. Itami fights up now and sends Sami over the top rope then goes to Miz who's in the corner back turned taunting to the crowd and lands rapid kicks to the chest as he turns Miz around to face him. Miz is able to stop the offense by cutting the knees of Hideo. He goes for the quick pin but Hideo is able to kick out at two as Zayn comes back in the ring. Miz was going for a DDT to Itami but he fights out and sets Miz on the top rope. He and Zayn combine for a double superplex from the top oh my god! Itami gets up but doesn't realize Zayn is already up....he turns around....Blue Thunder Bomb! 1-2-Miz pulls the ref out of the ring as his hand was coming down for the three count! Without a referee Miz hits a Skull Crushing Finale on Sami then turns his attention to Hideo....he locks in the Figure 4 and the ref comes to just in time to see Itami tap!!
Winner by submission and #1 Contender for the US Championship: The Miz

We see Byron Saxton trying to catch up with Tyson Kidd before his US Championship match. He does and a quick interview is conducted. Tyson says that he has waited a long time to earn another shot at a singles Championship and tonight he's going to see his dream come true by any means possible.
Match 4 Extreme Rules United States Championship: Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd

Dolph with a jumping jawbreaker to Kidd. He goes outside and grabs a ladder from under the ring. Tyson kicks the ladder into Dolph and sends them both to the floor. Kidd with a float over DDT to Ziggler then picks him up for a neck breaker. Dolph responds with a DDT of his own. Tyson with a kick to the chest of Dolph then sends him back inside the ring. Tyson gets on the apron and hits a frog splash to Ziggler's back. Dolph blocks the pick up from Kidd by kicking him away then gets up and hits a suplex. A jump over neck breaker ends that sequence. Kidd counters and goes up top trying for a Blockbuster but he misses badly. Ziggler now goes up top and hits an elbow drop then pulls Kidd right back up for a Famouser! Instead of going for the pin though, Dolph tries to pick him up and Tyson elbows him in the chest. This stuns him long enough for Kidd to hit his Fisherman Neckbreaker! 1-2-shoulder of Ziggler up at two!
Tyson can't believe it but stays on him as he hits a drop kick from the second rope to Dolph. Another pin attempt but this time a kick out at one. Kidd now throws Ziggler shoulder first into the turnbuckle and heads to the apron. He begs Dolph to get up and when he does Tyson goes for a springboard drop kick but Dolph gets it off first! Both men are down in the ring but Dolph rolls outside and lays there for a minute. He looks under the ring and finds a chair. He goes into the ring with the chair but Tyson knocks it away. Ziggler quickly hits a facebuster that literally busts Tyson's face open! Cover now by Dolph and Tyson somehow gets the shoulder up at two. Dolph looks at the ref speechless but is caught napping as Tyson takes his knees out from under him. Kidd goes up top and an elbow drop is hit. He goes to pick Ziggler up but Dolph gets behind him and hits a back body slam into a kip up....he goes in the corner and starts tuning up the band! Shades of HBK......SUPERKICK!!!! 1-2-3!!
Winner by pinfall and NEW United States Champion: Dolph Ziggler

We now see Tom Phillips standing outside the closed door of Brock Lesnar's locker room. And Phillps begins talking to the door assuming that someone is inside.
Tom: Brock your championship match is coming up soon against the Swiss Superman Cesaro. There are people saying that Cesaro is going to pull off the upset. Do you have anything to say to them?
A tap on the shoulder of Phillips now and he slowly turns around to see Brock standing over his shoulder. Brock leans into the mic and just says two words “One F5”. He pushes past Tom and into his dressing room. Paul Heyman comes behind him shortly after.

We cut back to the ring where we see Baron Corbin with a mic in hand....
Baron: This is Extreme Rules and I don't have a match? Do you people not know who I am? I am the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal winner! I have begun my path to stardom and no one is going to stand in my way.
Mark Henry's music hits....
Mark: No one is standing in your way huh? I sure as hell am.
Match 5: Baron Corbin vs. Mark Henry

Corbin throws fists at Mark that force him into the corner, He then puts his boot in Henry's face and leaves it there for the four count. Baron goes to pick Henry up but it's blocked. Mark with punches now and Baron gives them right back. Henry now with a headbutt that sends Corbin to the ground. Mark picks him up and hits a body slam that forces Corbin to roll out of the ring. Henry goes outside after him and Baron turns the tide. He sends Mark into the barricade then an STO and this goes on till the count of 8 as Baron gets in the ring first. A Deep Six then an End of Days by Baron and this one is over.
Winner by pinfall: Baron Corbin

Goldust makes his way out to the ring now and awaits his opponent. The lights go out and we hear the slow build of a choir singing “Glorious” This gets louder and louder until finally we see the name “Roode” appear on the Titantron. Then “Glorious Domination” hits the speakers and we see a man in a black robe with the word “Glorious” on the back appear on the ramp. Bobby Roode has finally made his way to WWE! And what a glorious sight it is folks!!
Match 6: Goldust vs. Bobby Roode

The two lock up and get pushed to the corner. The referee comes to break the hold but Bobby gets a cheap shot in the ref didn't see it! Then a quick DDT to follow that up from Roode. Two suplexes back to back from Bobby one of them being a full nelson suplex. He stops and taunts to the crowd, “Glorious” he says. Goldust gets up and whips Roode off the ropes and hits a float over DDT then a Russian leg sweep. Goldust with a throat chop now that sends Bobby to the mat as he withers in pain Goldust mocks Roode's “Glorious” taunt putting a little Goldust flair into it now. Roode sees this and gets riled up. He gets up in Goldust's face and starts yelling at him then before Goldy can respond Roode hits a big spinebuster! He waits for him to get up....Impaler DDT! 1-2-3! A glorious debut for Bobby Roode!
Winner by pinfall: Bobby Roode

We get our final looks at Cesaro and Brock Lesnar in a split screen as they are heading to the entrance area.
Main Event Extreme Rules WWE Universal Championship: Cesaro vs. Brock Lesnar

Competing chants of “Cesaro” and “Brock” echo across the arena as the fans excitement has ratched up to ten! Stephanine McMahon and Triple H are also at ringside for this match as well as Paul Heyman.
The bell rings and Brock hits an F5 on Cesaro!! 1-2-NO shoulder up at two from Cesaro! Brock just stands there laughing. He picks up Cesaro again but this time it's Cesaro who surprises Brock with a Neutralizer!! 1-2- Brock gets the shoulder up at two! Both men take the fight outside and really give it to each other out there. Brock with an overhead belly to belly on Cesaro, Cesaro with a german suplex into the timekeepers area. Brock with a german suplex into another chair, this one causes Stephanie to have to vacate the area as she was almost caught in the crossfire! Brock sends Cesaro into the steel post and Cesaro does the same to Brock! Brock grabs a ladder and tosses it in the ring now. He gets in and is greeted by a European Uppercut from Cesaro!! The pin 1-2- Brock again gets the shoulder up at two! Cesaro is winded on his feet and picks up Brock for a side slam. Another pin but this time a kick out at one from Brock. Cesaro now decides to lock in the Sharpshooter!! Brock is fighting the hold and manages to get out flipping Cesaro over. Brock goes into the corner now,tired but motions for Cesaro to bring it. Brock hooks Cesaro now and triple german suplexes from The Beast! Lesnar picks Cesaro up.......F5! F5! F5! THE COVER...1,2,3!! Brock Lesnar takes home the gold!! These two went to war that's for damn sure!!
Winner by pinfall and NEW WWE Universal Champion: Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar stands in the ring as he gets presented the Universal Championship from Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Cesaro, who had rolled to the outside now gets back in the ring. He offers a handshake to Brock.....Brock laughs, picks him up and hits another F5! Now the pyro goes off as Brock and Paul begin to celebrate. What a great night of wrestling! Tune in to Raw to see what's going to happen after everything that transpired tonight!
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Old 12-11-2016, 08:37 PM   #84
wiscowilz's Arena
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

Good PPV man.

Brock winning...boooo!!!

Ziggler winning the title is nice.

Roode debuting very nice.

Corbin getting a big win.

One suggestion I was given a few years ago. Put your winners in spoiler tags so we dont see them when we scroll down.
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Old 12-11-2016, 08:50 PM   #85
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

Glad you enjoyed this man! Took me awhile cause I kept getting interrupted by family haha! But that's a good idea I'll start doing that! That way you can't mistakenly see the outcome.

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Old 12-11-2016, 08:50 PM   #86
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

Brock winning sucks.

Ziggler winning sucks.

Bobby Roode competing is nice since he seems like he is never going to in mine!

Great PPV Reed!
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Old 12-11-2016, 09:35 PM   #87
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

Hahahaha someone's not a happy camper glad you enjoyed the PPV though anyway!

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Old 12-16-2016, 03:45 PM   #88
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

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May Week 1

The show starts out with the music of WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar as he and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring. Both men are looking really confident after last night's performance.

Paul: Ladies and gentlemen my name is Paul Heyman and this right here this is the Beast, the most dominant superstar this industry has ever seen, this is YOUR WWE Universal Champion........Brooooooooock Leeeeeeesnar! I would like to take this time to do two things, one to thank Cesaro for being his first victim and two, to issue a warning to all the superstars in that locker room. If you step to my client the same fate will befall you.
The music of Daniel Bryan hits and out he comes to the ramp.
Daniel: Hey Paul, I've got a message for you and Brock. I'm coming for that Universal Championship! Ever since I came back last month I've been itching for a title shot, and now I've got one.
Paul: I should have known you were going to be first Daniel. You just don't know when to quit do you? Did you forget what my client did to you a few weeks ago? Are you sure you want to do this?
Daniel: Of course, let me show you just how serious I am.
Bryan rushes the ring but Brock and Paul bail and head up the ramp. Yes chants echo out as Daniel taunts Brock from the ring.

Match 1: Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro
As the bell rings The Miz makes his way down to the ring. He stands on Cesaro's side of the ring. What's he got in his mind?
Dolph takes Cesaro down with a headlock takedown and hits a neckbreaker. Cesaro kicks Dolph away and out of nowhere hits a European Uppercut! He's looking to end it early.....Neutralizer!! 1-2-3! The distraction from Miz must have gotten Ziggler off his game because we have never seen Dolph go down that quickly!


Match 2: Tyler Breeze vs. Mark Henry
Mark shoves Tyler to the ground with force but Tyler gets up and kicks the big man in the chest and sends him to the ground now. He gets in a float over DDT. Mark gets back into the match and repeatedly attacks the back of Breeze. Tyler goes to wrench the arm and turns it into a neck breaker. He sends Henry into the ropes and does a neck breaker back inside the ring then a quick DDT. Breeze locks in a head lock then as he let's go of he hold decks Henry with a super kick! A cover now, but Mark kicks out at two. Henry seems to have had enough though....World's Strongest Slam! 1-2-Breeze kicks out at two!! Who would have seen that coming! Henry goes to pick Breeze up but Tyler with a poke to the eye, then a Beauty Shot that gets him the W!

The New Day make their way to the ring now with the WWE Tag Team Championships around Big E and Kofi's waists.
Kofi: Last night The New Day became your W...W...E...Tag Team Champions baby!! And now that we have these we have clearly proven we are the best team on Raw!
Big E: The best team on Raw and maybe perhaps the entire WWE! Now our question is....who will be coming for these titles first? Who,who,who?
The music of American Alpha hits and they come down to the ring and our next match is about to start.

Match 3 Tag Team: The New Day (Big E & Kofi) vs. American Alpha
Big E and Jason Jordan start this out and the two exchange belly to belly slams, shoulder tackles and head locks before Jason tags in Chad and they hit a double team wheelbarrow slam. Big E takes Chad down and tags in Kofi who runs at Gable and connects with running double knees. Gable goes for a full nelson suplex but Kofi flips over and takes Chad down by the legs. He runs over and gets E back in the match and Gable responds with a Russian leg sweep then a full nelson slam into a Danielson special and starts wrenching the arm of Big E! E fights up and tries to get out of it but is caught in an arm lock by Gable as he whips him to the corner. Chad tags in Jason and they hit Grand Amplitude! The referee is unable to make the count though because Kofi gets his attention by pulling on the turnbuckle pad and Big E eventually kicks out.
Now it's Chad and Kofi back in the ring and Kofi connects with S.O.S. But Gable kicks out at two! After the kick out Kofi puts Chad in the corner and begins to roll with a flurry of offense that ends in a drop kick that ends in a Boom Drop. He whips Gable to the corner and then Xavier goes over to Jason and pulls him off the apron and Jordan goes chin first to the apron! Kofi and Big E hit Midnight Hour and win this one!


We see Sami Zayn as he walks into Triple H's office. Zayn says that he was so close to winning last night till Miz stole it from him and he wants a shot at Miz or Ziggler. Triple H grants Zayn a shot. But it's against Kevin Owens in a Falls Count Anywhere match in the main event. Zayn's face gets a look of determination on it as he leaves the office.

Match 4: Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles
Bryan takes down AJ with a suplex and tries to lock in a submission hold but Styles fights out of it. Daniel now with quick rapid kicks and chops to AJ. AJ weathers this though and takes Bryan down with an enziguri then a hurricanrana. Bryan now with a fireman's carry slam then a backbreaker. Yes kicks now from Daniel! AJ still has fight in him as he hits a back suplex and stomps to the arm. He goes to pick up Bryan but Daniel hits an arm drag then locks in the Yes lock! It's locked in tight in the center of the ring and Styles is forced to tap out!


Match 5: R-Truth vs. Baron Corbin
The two lock up but Baron shoves Truth away. Truth gets in some punches and kicks and staggers the Lone Wolf. Truth runs at Corbin but is caught in the End of Days, but instead of Baron finishing the move somehow Truth manages to turn it into a roll up and gets the surprise win!


Main Event Falls Count Anywhere: Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens
The two men lock up and exchange holds to start this one. Kevin sends Sami to the outside with a hard Irish whip then goes under the ring and grabs a sledgehammer. Zayn kicks it away before it could be used and now Kevin hits a back body drop on the ramp to Sami then taunts to the crowd. Sami hits a jaw breaker then a drop kick to Kevin. A series of drop kicks from Sami now and finally Owens stops the flow with an arm wrench and sends Sami further up the ramp. The two fight out now to the lower right hand side of the stage by the crowd. Owens drops knees onto Sami's chest but Sami pops him in the chest with a kick of his own. Sami goes to lock in the Koji Clutch but Owens blocks it with an elbow to the face of Zayn then hits a package piledriver on the hard floor by the stage!! Owens takes the W in this one!!

WWE News/Rumors: The two superstars that Raw and SmackDown have been fighting over have made their final choices on which shows they will go to. No word on when they will debut or which shows they will be on.
Baron Corbin went ballistic backstage after his loss. He says he has a message for Triple H next week.
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