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Seven pieces

Posted 11-20-2008 at 01:55 PM by Lintyfresh85
Updated 11-20-2008 at 01:59 PM by Lintyfresh85
Last night I shattered my XBOX 360 into seven pieces.

Don't get me wrong... my anger was most likely displaced, and the 360 did not deserve my wrath, but someone or something had to pay for the incompetence shown by Microsoft in designing their bug ridden 'next generation' system.

It all started out well enough; I unscrewed my 360 to fix the 'magnet' problem within the disk drive... I fixed it, and I thought the problem would be solved... nope... no such luck.

In fact, after fixing the faulty magnet the system actually seemed to work worse... "Well," I thought, "maybe the engine itself needs greasing."

I greased it... and no luck.

My temper was quickly boiling.

As a last ditch effort, I decided to try and intimidate the unresponsive object with brute force. When I did not get a timely response I lost all sense of objectivity and unleashed all my pent up anger at my 8TH broken 360.

Now it lays quietly on my floor in seven pieces.

No longer will I hear the constant hum of incompetence the machine once produced, or the sound of an achievement being unlocked... in fact, thanks to my hatred of all things Microsoft, all I hear is silence.

And for once, this silence isn't golden.
Total Comments 11


SPTO's Avatar
Thank goodness i've never had to go through that! I think i'd say "screw it" and buy a PS3 before buying a 2nd X360.

Sorry to hear about that though.
Posted 11-20-2008 at 02:03 PM by SPTO SPTO is offline
Lintyfresh85's Avatar
I have a PS3 as well. Never had a problem with it in the year and a half I've had it. (Knock on wood).
Posted 11-20-2008 at 02:05 PM by Lintyfresh85 Lintyfresh85 is offline
rudyjuly2's Avatar
George is getting upset!

Any chance this will be covered under warranty?
Posted 11-20-2008 at 02:15 PM by rudyjuly2 rudyjuly2 is offline
Lintyfresh85's Avatar
Not a chance... I opened up the case.

That voids the warranty.
Posted 11-20-2008 at 02:42 PM by Lintyfresh85 Lintyfresh85 is offline
bronco92's Avatar
Woah... that is really your 8th broken 360? Apart from the obvious (they broke) what happened to the other 7?
Posted 11-20-2008 at 04:19 PM by bronco92 bronco92 is offline
Lintyfresh85's Avatar
1st worked fine... until I drunkenly dropped it on the concrete after a night of Guitar Hero II in a college dorm room.

2- New one from the warranty at Best Buy... broke a couple weeks in RROD.

3-8: From Microsoft, all REFURBS... Not one new one. all 6 eventually died.
Posted 11-20-2008 at 04:52 PM by Lintyfresh85 Lintyfresh85 is offline
Fresh Tendrils's Avatar
That sucks. I've torn apart, thrown, beaten to death a handful of controllers (among other small objects) thanks to frustrating games, but thankfully I've never even thought about going after my console. I seriously need to invest into a punching bag.
Posted 11-20-2008 at 10:25 PM by Fresh Tendrils Fresh Tendrils is offline
ExtremeGamer's Avatar
So are you done with the 360 for good now?
Posted 11-25-2008 at 10:47 AM by ExtremeGamer ExtremeGamer is offline
JohnnytheSkin's Avatar
So...should I delete you from my Friends List?

That sucks man. I've only gone through three systems, and that itself is pretty bad. What others have gone through borders on the obscene!
Posted 11-25-2008 at 11:09 AM by JohnnytheSkin JohnnytheSkin is offline
RAZRr1275's Avatar
Wow. That's why I have a ps3.
Posted 11-30-2008 at 07:14 PM by RAZRr1275 RAZRr1275 is offline
JBH3's Avatar
Man...I could never do that to my console...AND Never be able to unlock an Achievement again either???

Controllers, my Ikea coffee table, and perhaps the disc itself might feel the wrath but never the beloved console...no no no.
Posted 12-03-2008 at 11:23 AM by JBH3 JBH3 is offline
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