OS Scores Explained Major League Baseball 2K13 Overview (Xbox 360)
ommentary is brilliant and fluid; AI intelligence improved slightly; Menus are solid, even if old
Game feels like a patch, not a new release; Graphics and color palette are years behind; Soundtrack is awful
Bottom Line
IF you're a die-hard baseball fan that only owns an Xbox 360, loves the Astros, and who wants updated rosters, you might pick this up. Maybe
out of 10
Major League Baseball 2K13 REVIEW

Major League Baseball 2K13 Review (Xbox 360)

We were all surprised when 2K Sports announced the release of MLB 2K13, the next Major League Baseball game to surely leave 360 owners pining for a separate system. For baseball lovers without a Playstation 3, time stood still for a brief moment and excitement took over.

But inevitable questions loomed. From thoughts of 2K and MLB just trying to pocket extra money, to gamers wondering if they need to shell out $60 for what seems to amount to a roster update and nothing else.

2K kept quiet, didn’t promote or talk much about MLB 2K13, but sure enough MLB 2K13 released with that hefty $60 price tag. But something happened once I opened up the game and placed it in my system: MLB 2K13 really isn’t that bad; it’s honestly a very enjoyable game. It’s a blast to pick-up-and-play with friends and feels very familiar on the field. It's not in the same league as The Show at this point, with many legacy issues marring the experience and with no real sizeable upgrades over 2K12 waiting on you, but it's hard to say the entire experience is just bad.

It's more like way too familiar.

The depth in Major League Baseball 2K13 is as deep as the kiddie pool in your back yard. Yes the game has some slight improvements, but MLB 2K13’s issues, both hidden and glaring, keeps this franchise from enjoying its presumable swan song.


First and foremost, the CPU AI has been slightly upgraded it seems. Pitching and hitting substitutions seem logical unlike in previous titles. Teams will pinch hit when they should; left-handed pitchers come in at the right time. The small details that can change the outcome of a game seem to be nailed down.

The pitching and hitting analog interface is just as good as ever. The analog controls keep you focused on the game, and make it more rewarding when you execute your actions perfectly. Pitching is nothing less than one of the most enjoyable parts of MLB 2K13 -- but it could be one of the only enjoyable parts too.

Hitting has seen a slight upgrade it seems, even if I only see it in home run totals. If you’re like me, Classic is the way to go at the plate. And if Classic is the way to go, then you won’t be disappointed when it comes to those home run counts.

A persistent issue with the MLB 2K series have revolved around fielding. In MLB 2K13, they have improved the ball physics to the point of satisfaction. However, fielders – mainly outfielders – can still get stuck in animations and lead to a game-changing error. All of the legacy issues from the MLB 2K series are still here, which shows while some small tweaks were attempted, minimal effort was actually put in to making this a better product than last year.

Also, the speed of players seems to fluctuate so often that I find the actual rating almost meaningless. BJ Upton feels considerably slower in the outfield than he does on the base paths.

With the slight gameplay upgrades (and we do mean slight), MLB 2K13 does feel slightly better than 2K12. But to be honest, after spending more time with both games, MLB 2K13 feels much more like a patched version of 2K12 than a full blown new retail release at best, if not a direct carbon copy sans a few small tweaks.

Presentation and Sound

As stated countless times at Operation Sports, 2K Sports has always had this part of a game down to a tee. MLB 2K13 has a great commentary team, but the soundtrack, menus and graphics are lacking.

The trio of Steve Phillips, Gary Thorne and John Kruk has excellent chemistry, and the bantering back and forth will keep you very pleased. As a Mariners fan, I thoroughly enjoyed the three talking about Justin Smoak and his upcoming make-or-break year.

The menus are identical to MLB 2K12, which was expected but just another issue that sticks out to gamers. The graphics and colors seem too bright and cartoony for a baseball game as they're more akin to a title that should be named MLB Bobblehead Pros. And the soundtrack that was never released prior to release is arguably on of the worst 2K has put together.

Let's face it, the fact that Sean Kingston and Blue Oyster Cult share track listings in a baseball game should make anybody cringe.

Game Modes

Oh boy.

Remember MLB 2K12’s online leagues? Well, they don’t exist anymore. It is just another reason to knock this game down another notch.

Other than the disappointment of the online leagues, MLB 2K13 brings a Franchise mode, My Player, Playoffs, Home-Run Derby and MLB Today Season.

Franchise is just upsetting. The lack of depth in the mode kills any chance of survival, especially considering running a baseball organization can be considered the deepest of all professional sports leagues. The farm system is laughable. And end-of-season awards are iffy as well. Mike Olt, a highly regarded Texas prospect, finished the season with the Rangers batting .143 and still won the Rookie of the Year. I’ve noticed in other simulations where he has won the award with terrible-to-fantastic numbers. Scripted? Hope not.

My Player is like the girlfriend you just don’t want to break up with. You know there is something better out there, but you just can’t help yourself but go back to her. MP is fun, it’s entertaining, but it gets old too quick. The goals to advance seem slightly too far off and it gives you the sense that no matter what happens, your player will make it to the big leagues. The depth and difficulty to make this mode seem real isn’t there.


For as much flak as 2K Sports has received about their online serves, specifically for the NBA series, I’m surprised how well MLB 2K13’s online service works. Lag doesn’t show up that much at all, but when it hits, it hits you hard. I noticed a lot of the time when I would have runners advancing, the lag would set in as I rounded bases, second in particular.

Of course, this could be due to the fact few players are online at the present time.

There really isn’t much to say about the online play other than the occasional lag, but one online mode has me intrigued. MLB Today Season, which allows you to play along with the real-life MLB schedule, has potential to be great. I will be back late April with an article discussing how (hopefully) awesome this mode can be. So stay tuned.

Final Thoughts

MLB 2K13 isn’t going to win any awards, or kind criticism for that matter. They have released an old product which is slightly patched with old features removed from the previous year's effort. The gameplay is better and the commentary is awesome, but nothing else really brings this game to a respectable pedestal. Add in the fact that 2K Sports left out online leagues and we are left with the exact definition of incomplete.

I hate jumping to conclusions, especially with a developer such as 2K, but this game feels and looks like a get-rich-quick scheme drafted by Major League Baseball and Take Two to somehow recover lost profits from prior years. I don’t know who is to blame, or if there really is any to go around fully, but this game feels like one where the most minimal of effort possible was put into it.

MLB 2K13 is not a bad game by any means, but rather this is more about the principle of the matter. When a company charges $60 for a game with little improvements over a release a year earlier, something has gone terribly wrong. Attaching a $60 price tag to this game is nonsense.

Don't buy unless you absolutely have to have the Astros in the AL West on your XBox 360.

Graphics: In comparison to the majority of sports game in the current generation, MLB 2K13 is near the bottom when it comes to graphics.

Audio: Some of the best commentary for a baseball game, but has a pretty bad soundtrack.

Learning Curve: Simple as it gets. Even for those new to the analog controls, it will take a game to get the hang of everything.

Control Scheme: Nothing has changed. If you've played one, you've played them all.

Lasting Appeal: With a boring farm system and get-old-quick My Player, MLB 2K13 will turn into knick knack.

Final Score: 4 (Below-Average)

Major League Baseball 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Armor and Sword @ 03/12/13 07:09 AM
Hey I picked up MLB 2K11 this past christmas for my son as he played it at a friends house and liked it. We have played that game and had some great post season series (all we play is post season mode with that one)

I am a massive Show fan as most know. And imo it is a superior baseball title and quite frankly the best console baseball game ever made for 5 years running now (every iteration just get's better and better). However 2K is a good, fun, easy to pick up and play baseball game. I think 4 is far too low of a score for game you can have fun with.

If your having fun with a game....automatic 7 minimum. I think there is enough depth to the 2K series to have a decent franchise, make some classic rosters with 2K share etc.

There are some who feel it is better than The Show. I am not in that camp at all. But is it a good game? Yeah it is.

Should 2K13 be 60 bucks? No way. wait for the bargain bin as nothing was really done except a patch to 2K12 (from everything I have read and seen posted).
# 22 pistolpete @ 03/12/13 09:00 AM
I do enjoy the fact the game doesn't get graded at all based on fun.

When your buddy sees a movie is the first thing you ask him "how was the audio?" No, of course not. You ask "was it good".

The reviewer is clearly pre-disposed to giving it a bad grade when he finds a way to negatively comment on the control scheme.

We know the control scheme is the same. Is this bad? Is this good? Anyone who enjoys 2k would consider this a good thing. I am willing to bet the fans of 2k love the game a great deal bc of the control scheme.

EDIT: With that said, I think the fun factor is kind of lacking in this year's version.
# 23 rcp225 @ 03/12/13 10:25 AM
Question: How can 2K Sports develop such a great game like the NBA2K series, yet consistently put out crap
on the baseball diamond?
# 24 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/12/13 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by rcp225
Question: How can 2K Sports develop such a great game like the NBA2K series, yet consistently put out crap
on the baseball diamond?
Because MLB Series has never had a consistent developer during this generation. MLB 2K6- Blue Shift, MLB 2K7-2K9 Kush Games/Blue Castle, 2K9-2K13 Visual Concepts

Not to mention 2K Sports choose to port over the xbox engine instead of building a baseball engine from the ground up.

It's not an excuse, for the games we've seen, but it plays a BIG part in what we've seen
# 25 Bulls321974 @ 03/12/13 11:43 AM
All I can say is: OUCH!
# 26 Schmackity @ 03/12/13 12:54 PM
Very accurate review. Having originally played The Show and now owning an XBOX and playing the 2k Series, I feel it accurately describes how the game plays.

Thanks for it.
# 27 pistolpete @ 03/12/13 03:58 PM
Yeah, I can't defend this series any longer. The more I play 2k13 the more it completely sucks. I believe it has ruined 2k11 and 2k12 for me as well.
# 28 tvman @ 03/12/13 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by pistolpete
Yeah, I can't defend this series any longer. The more I play 2k13 the more it completely sucks. I believe it has ruined 2k11 and 2k12 for me as well.
Everything in general or what in particular?
# 29 Jgainsey @ 03/12/13 04:51 PM
I'm also offended by the kiddie pool comment...

I work for a pool/spa company, and to compare a terrible game like this, in any way, to a kiddie pool or spa, is simply insulting to those of us who install and maintain quality products.

As a long time supporter of Operation Sports, I expect a prompt and sincere apology.

# 30 pistolpete @ 03/12/13 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by tvman
Everything in general or what in particular?
The graphics have taken a serious hit since 2k11. The camera angles have taken serious hits since 2k11.

2k11 was a charming game w/ passable graphics. 2k12 and now 2k13 are so horribly ugly I cannot look at it.

I don't enjoy trying to find my left-fielder behind the infield icon on fly balls.
# 31 MizzouRah @ 03/12/13 06:34 PM
I played my first game today.. lost 5-0 to the Royals.. LOL..

It's definitely 2k12.5 and I believe most of the sliders from last year will work well this year. I'm meh after 1 game, but the pitcher/hitter interface just draws me into this series like no other baseball game.
# 32 Mets2014 @ 03/12/13 08:00 PM
i cannot hit to save my life. i dont get it.

i have 2-3 hits a game and lose 2-1 or 1-0 every game.

any tips? im not striking out a lot or swinging at bad pitches. everything i hit is either a fly out or a weak ground ball.

how important is the timing when you pull back on your power swing?
does it matter how fast you move up when you contact swing?
# 33 wisdom less13 @ 03/12/13 09:45 PM
This reminded me of an Intervention letter.
# 34 pistolpete @ 03/12/13 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by pistolpete
The graphics have taken a serious hit since 2k11. The camera angles have taken serious hits since 2k11.

2k11 was a charming game w/ passable graphics. 2k12 and now 2k13 are so horribly ugly I cannot look at it.

I don't enjoy trying to find my left-fielder behind the infield icon on fly balls.
I went back and played a game of 2k11 to see if maybe it was a me thing, maybe I was misremembering my love for that particular version. Nope, I wasn't. It's easily the best in the series. It makes 2k13 feel like hot garbage.
# 35 tvman @ 03/12/13 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by pistolpete
I went back and played a game of 2k11 to see if maybe it was a me thing, maybe I was misremembering my love for that particular version. Nope, I wasn't. It's easily the best in the series. It makes 2k13 feel like hot garbage.
I'll have to fire up my PC version again, just loved the fielding camera in that game.
# 36 TheBlvckMamba @ 03/13/13 12:24 AM
A precise review about this game .
# 37 ryan36 @ 03/13/13 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Was this a review or another thread started to try and make witty and sarcastic remarks about the series?

It's interesting, the review hardly scratches the surface on what is really wrong with the game (other than it's trendy to hate on it), and then complains about the price tag, claiming it's a "get-rich-quick" scheme. But the game is what's shallow...not the review...right?

This review relies more on the negative tone many have already given this series, rather than thoroughly explaining why the game lacks. It's really more a rinse and repeat of a review. It's entirely too predictable:

Claim the game is fun
Mention how it doesn't compete with The Show
Throw out a gripe about Franchise Mode
Try and reinforce the above by giving it a very low numerical score

The MLB 2K series is far from perfect. It has some key issues that can be frustrating. But please go beyond what everyone else is saying and prove it. Otherwise, post something like this in the MLB 2K vs The Show thread.

In fairness, I think the point of the review was largely, "Go look at the 2k12 review."
# 38 DaveDQ @ 03/13/13 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by ryan36
In fairness, I think the point of the review was largely, "Go look at the 2k12 review."
Maybe so, but look what it created in this thread alone. It wasn't a review, it was a jab at a game that is far better than a 4. And from there people jumped on board here and helped poke fun, some already predisposed to not touch the game.

Calling this series out has become the thing to do. Maybe it originated with good intent. 2K Sports is largely seen as the sports gaming developer that can do great things, and they flubbed it this gen with the MLB 2K series. There is no doubt about that. But this review is more a gathering of various postings and themes among sports gamers and then posting it here.

There is room for sarcasm and witty banter in a review, but at least genuinely touch on some things and don't get caught up with the overblown reaction to the series.
# 39 buckeyedawgtribe @ 03/13/13 10:05 AM
if its a slight improvement over 2K12 like it sounds then a 4 is a despicable score. a 7 i could understand. Sticking with 2k12 anyway. the "REAL" review should be the 2k company which should receive a 0 for charging 60 bucks for a roster update and polish.
# 40 SteelersFan09 @ 03/14/13 01:17 PM
As a 360 owner who has no intentions of buying a PS3 for MLB The Show I find it sad that 2K gave up on this game completely. I was looking forward to it. However all I did was go out and buy MLB 2k12(for under $20) and with 2K Share you can get the most up to date rosters. Saves me $40 and I won't have to be disappointment with a new game that is the same as the last one.

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