MLB The Show 17 News Post

Last month, I documented my first-time experiences with MLB The Show as a self-confessed “noob” of the series. Since then, I’ve spent most of my time in Road to the Show, embarking on a virtual career in a sport I’m not overly familiar with.

This is a recap of my first ever season in Road to the Show in MLB The Show 17. Prior to getting started, I opted for the zone hitting system, armed with the brilliantly accessible dynamic difficulty setting to aid my gradual progression both at the plate and in the field.

It was a season of highs, lows and endless discovery. Give it a read, let me know your thoughts and feel free to offer tips in the comments box below!

Read More - Road to the Show: A Noobs Journey in MLB The Show 17

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 King Gro23 @ 05/22/17 09:23 PM
Good read; I've been frustrated with my marlins RF. Still in year 1 but absolutely rakking the ball everybwhere August 3rd 2017 38hrs 110rbi in AA ball- so after reading your article I fire up my RTTS and get called up and position changed for organization sake. So now I'm 1b and the best one on team I expect I'll be in bigs very soon
# 2 frostbyt @ 05/23/17 01:39 PM
Very awesome read and I am no means a baseball fan. But this story makes we want to go buy the latest installment of RTTS, I think I played 15 and just thought it was a bore.

Question, does your Baseball card keep the stats for your AA and AAA games? Seemed like they never stayed for previous years, only the majors.
# 3 schlitz73 @ 05/24/17 01:50 AM
Good read! I'm debating whether to buy 17 since money is pretty tight so I recently started playing an older version of the game and I suddenly have no idea why I never gave this game much of a chance before. I think I was just consumed with other games at the time. But RttS is an amazing mode, even in older versions of the game and I'm totally wrapped up in it. I'm early in season 2 still in AAA but see a promotion to the BIGS coming soon as my player rating is already 4 points higher than the MLB starter.
It's fun netting certain accomplishments along the way, even in the minors. Heck, even after 160 games in AA and AAA I just netted my first sac fly last night, which is pretty odd I must say. Now to try and net my first walk off hit or HR...
# 4 richinspirit @ 05/30/17 12:11 PM
This was a great little read - reminds me of old CAP style stories that I used to see on the site back in 2009/10 - do another for season two, won't you?!

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