Thread: CFB Stadiums
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Old 02-28-2024, 08:23 PM   #16
Hall Of Fame
illwill10's Arena
OVR: 31
Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: CFB Stadiums

Originally Posted by z.arthur23
Couldn't agree more on all of this. The other element of it that I'd love to see/feel is some VARIETY in that noise. If my team is struggling and attendance is low, then it'd be great for the crowd noise to reflect that in a way where if a rival comes into town and the stadium is full, then there's a clear difference in atmosphere and sound--and because of that, home field advantage.
Something I would like to see is crowd noise based on a scale of seat capacity. Based on average seat capacity of stadium, each average level has a max level of crowd noise. For example, a 30,00 seat capacity stadium max crowd noise should sound considerably lower than a 70,000+ stadium. So even if you have crowd volume maxed in menu, there should still be a clear difference. Plus, it would be cool to play against Michigan and that crowd blaring, then after you score a TD, it go dead silent

It would be cool for them to bring back the Toughest Place 25 stadiums to play at feature. Like, I don't want to see the Madden momentum feature and don't want to see gameplay boosts or effects. I don't mind seeing the QBs and WR not on the same play or it effecting how you audible. I really hope they have team builder, because I would want to see my stadium eventually become the toughest place to play.
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