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Old 05-19-2018, 04:28 PM   #2
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Re: Yogurt's 2k18 Fictional Draft Classes (XB1)

Draft Class 1 - A Special Group of Triplets

After an absolutely dominating historical college season, the Macy triplets are setting their sights on the NBA. Just minutes after completing not only an NCAA championship but also a perfect season, the three announced their intent to leave the Kentucky Wildcats and begin preparation for the NBA. While Atlee, a 6'4" point guard and Tycen, a 6'8" point forward will begin working out at an attempt to improve their draft stock, Julien is going back to class. Julien, a roughly 6'6" swingman has decided to put off his NBA dream full time to return to the classroom and finish his second year of school as a major in Economics before hitting the gym for pre-draft workouts.

"Even after I am in the NBA getting my degree is still my number one priority. I have an opportunity to make the most of my scholarship here and I plan on using it to its fullest potential. I understand the importance of basketball in my life and I know it is the reason why I am on this podium today, but basketball is only going to be my life for at most what? 15 years? An education will help me for the rest of my life, on and off the court".

These words may surprise many people, however it is no surprise to others who know the projected #1 draft pick.

Lost in all the hype of the Macy triplets is Mo Henry, a freshman point guard relegated to coming off the bench for most of the season for the simple fact that he did not expect the Macy kids to return for a sophomore year. He had the opportunity to transfer before the season began and be a star elsewhere, but he took the demotion in stride, helping the Cats win a national title and putting up big numbers off the bench all season long. He wears the #66 for the amount of points the apparently scored in his first inter squad game at Kentucky, even if Julien swears its for his free throw percentage.

"Julien called me before he announced he and his brothers were going to return following their Round of 32 loss last season. I had already committed because they originally planned to leave for the NBA but they did not want to leave it that way. Well, he did not want to leave it that way but Atlee and Tycen maybe had a different story. (laughs) He told me he would understand if I decided to go elsewhere, but for some reason I could not do that to Julien. He holds himself so highly, I seriously have no met a more sincere and nice guy in my entire life. It was no surprise to me when we were on bus trips he was sitting up front by coach his head in a textbook because that is just who he is. He has made me a better player and person this season".

Many people think it would be tough for Atlee and Tycen to kind of be hidden by Juliens stardom. He was the player of the year two years running and was named the best prospect the NBA has seen since Lebron by countless publications since he turned 15 years old. That is not the case however, Atlee and Tycen could not be more proud as is evident from a interview earlier in the year with Tycen.

"Why would it bother me that Julien has literally never lost to me in a game of 1 on 1? That dude is on my side and me, him, Atlee, Mo, Johnny, and even Kurt (the water boy) go to war together every time we step on the floor. He makes me a better basketball player. He makes Atlee a better player. He never complains and hell, just because hes the best player in the nation does not mean me or Atlee do not have talent. I am projected to go what, 6th overall? Atlee is like 8th or something right now? We are great because of Julien but we are talented in our own right for sure."

It will be no surprise on draft night when Julien's name is called first by Adam Silver.
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