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Old 11-12-2017, 10:09 AM   #159
OVR: 15
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Saint Louis MO
Re: Tendency edits that are game changers for realism?

Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
Step through shot, up and under, Shot inside, standing layups too low? I had seen that before but not anymore...

Also, to reply to a few things in the thread... Yes, I said the same thing earlier as it's hard if we aren't all comparing apples to apples as there are a lot of different variables in play with how we are each doing our rosters. Thats why the suggestions and findings I have found and shared are mostly all universal and global edits that should not effect player personalities like the fast break. The post game is the 1 that is player specific though which causes some questions. The post game is kind of separate from all that though as far as having other factors in play besides the post backdown / face up (I have balanced to equal 100), & shoot from post & pass to open man tendencies (I guess more factors in play here as I type them out). Also add to that the aggressive backdown which I now have zeroed out league wide thanks to Sonic's suggestion which changed the post up game for the better. I also tested drive tendency outside of post and it does not seem to effect the drive from the post. Other than those though it's pretty straight forward with testing...

But let me clarify and eliminate any confusion with the post game here...

The 100 combined ratings between post moves work, but you can not assign just 1 or 2 post moves and expect it to work. You must assign at least 3 to see the difference. The CPU will use the best available move out of what you gave them and not use zeroed out moves. If I put Right hook shot at 85, Left at 5, and drive and up and under at 5 as well the CPU will use all of the moves depending on the scenario and how they are guarded. BUT you will definitely see the hook shot way more. They will not use the zero out moves ever unless it's drive or up and under move. If you want to see any post hooks you will need to do this way as well... It works without question. It is the only way to see player personalities in the post with doing moves they do irl and using some more than others. For bigs the drive & Up & under you can't really go above 5 or it's all you will see unless of course it's guys who use it more often irl or to balance the face up players with the face up and drive. Guards and wings you could go higher as the fade away's will override it if higher... The CPU will use the best available move, but it will favor the higher rated moves if possible. When I did the same thing outside of the 100 point total theory all went out the window and it was back to pure randomness... For example all of a sudden Gasol started doing spin moves, Howard fade aways and thats with them at 0. They would still do the the moves that were higher but unfortunately they mixed in the moves they shouldn't be using as well. They would also be using the non dominant hand hooks or fades more than with them rated with 100 total theory. If I zero something out though I don't want to see it used ever... Again huge sample size here... I tested everything imaginable here and all theories in the thread as well. I went outside the box and watched a ton of CPU games with multiple different post players to see if they would all play differently with their post ratings done properly to capture proper player specific post moves. Hope that helps...

As far as Kareem go's I'd go...

Right Hook - 75
Left Hook - 10
Drive - 5 (You will get some running hooks like this)
Up & Under - 5
Drop Step - 5

or try...

Right Hook - 85
Left Hook - 11
Drive - 2 (You will get some running hooks like this)
Up & Under - 1
Drop Step - 1
Will definitely try these tendencies on my PS4 for Kareem. I've rarely seen him actually play like Kareem in this game, I never seen him utilize the sky hook at all when playing the coy. What would you say Michael Jordan and Carmelo post tendencies should look like with there moves equaling out to 100?
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