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Old 11-30-2016, 04:21 PM   #57
Reed1417's Arena
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k17 Universe: The Brand Split Era!

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April Week 3

Welcome to Rage!! This is the first Pay Per View for the women in the brand split era! There are some big matches on this card as we will crown our first Women's Tag Team and Intercontinental Champions but no match is bigger than our main event ladder match to determine the first WWE Women's Champion! I hope you all are ready because emotions are high for all tonight. Let's get down to ring side as the pyro is getting ready to go off to signal the start of our show!

Match 1 Extreme Rules Women's Tag Team Championship: The Queens vs. The Valentine Sisters

This is a tornado tag match so Chloe and Beth link up and Natayla and Raine do the same. Beth with a stomp to the arm of Chloe and Nattie throws Raine into the ropes as she bounces off hard. Now Raine with a Thez Press to Natalya as Chloe hits a big DDT on Beth. Now Raine and Natalya fight on the outside while Chloe covers Phoenix in the ring but only gets a one count. Back in the ring come Raine and Natalya as Natalya gives chase, she's met with a Death Valley Driver by Raine as Chloe hits a springboard 450 onto Beth! They take a minute to talk and taunt to the crowd then high five each other and just start stomping on their opponents. Raine sets Beth on the top rope but is stopped by a kick to the face from Beth as Nattie hits a back breaker on Chloe. Now Natalya goes outside and grabs a table from under the ring. A battle for the table begins between Chloe and her while inside the ring Beth hits a Gorilla Press on Raine. She goes for a punch but Raine gets a frankenstiner off.
Outside the ring Raine goes, she goes under the ring and finds a sledgehammer but isn't given a chance to use it as Phoenix kicks it out of her hand and it lays on the mat. Nattie is outside with Chloe still and she cracks her with the table! Beth inside the ring now is going for the Glam Slam but it's stopped and reversed by Raine into a Gory Bomb! Beth gets out at two but now Raine impresses everyone as she turns it over into a Boston crab submission hold! Again Phoenix gets out of danger by way of Natalya kicking Raine in the face to break the hold. But Nattie turns around into a drop kick by Chloe from the top rope. Now they switch partners as Beth and Chloe go at it while Nattie decks Raine with a Nattie by Nature! Now Beth and Nattie both hit German suplexes on the Valentine's and return the favor stomping away! Nattie goes to pin Raine but is caught in a small package pin instead by Raine. Natalya reverses but Raine gets out at two. Meanwhile Chloe hits a suplex on Beth. Raine throws Natalya off the ropes and slams her down with Bang-a-Rang as Chloe delivers a super kick to Beth! Raine covers Beth and Chloe watches Natalya as the ref makes the three count!!
Winners by pinfall and NEW Women's Tag Team Champions: The Valentine Sisters

Match 2: Emma vs. Alicia Fox

Fox with a tilt a whirl back breaker to Emma, she removes the buckle pad and whips Emma into it back first as she winces in pain and hits the mat. A big boot now by Fox but Emma gets back into the match with a drop kick then a knee to the chest of Alicia. She sends her off the rope with an Irish whip and hits a Shining Wizard to Fox. Fox with a Russian leg sweep, pin attempt kick out at 1. Fox drops the knee to Emma's back and then points and laughs at her then slams her down with a DDT. She then connects with a somersault leg drop but isn't able to make the cover because of how tired she is. She does get a head lock in but Emma fights out of it. Emma goes outside and grabs a sledgehammer but this isn't an Extreme Rules match! She goes to hit Fox with it but Alicia kicks her in the gut which causes her to drop the hammer. She follows it up with a leg drop DDT and gets the win! Emma got frustrated and it cost her in the end!
Winner by pinfall: Alicia Fox

Match 3 Fatal 4 Way Extreme Rules Women's Intercontinental Championship: Becky Lynch vs. Tamina vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Naomi

Naomi and Becky square off while Alexa and Tamina do the same. This doesn't take long to get outside the ring as Bliss and Tamina do battle out there. Tamina with a DDT to Bliss and inside the ring Lynch and Naomi go back and forth with kicks, slams and reverses. Naomi with a pin to Becky but only a one count. Bliss now goes in the ring and knees Naomi in the gut, Becky hits Bliss with a clothesline and rolls out of the ring. Tamina gets back in the ring and takes out both Naomi and Becky with clotheslines but by this time Alexa is back in the ring. All three women are down and Alexa hits Insult to Injury on Lynch. Bliss doesn't get to make the cover though because Naomi hits a frankenstiner on her. Now all 4 are back up and it's Becky with Tamina and Naomi with Bliss. Naomi sends Alexa out of the ring but is met with a double suplex by Becky and Tamina. Tamina rolls out of the ring and grabs a baseball bat as Becky hits the Bex-Plex on Alexa as she gets back in the ring. Tamina with a Samoan Drop to Lynch as Naomi gets back in the ring but quickly rolls out once she sees the look in Tamina's eyes.
Back in the ring now Becky was setting up for the Dis-Arm-Her to Tamina but Bliss hits a bulldog from behind and she hits Twisted Bliss but Tamina is right there to quickly stop the pin attempt at one. Tamina lifts Alexa up and hits a powerbomb on her but Bliss is able to get out at two! She rolls out of the ring now leaving Becky, Tamina and Naomi in. DDT by Tamina to Becky and now Lynch rolls out, Superkick to Naomi by Tamina but Alexa is getting back in the ring. She throws Tamina out to the floor goes up top and quickly hits another Twisted Bliss on Naomi! 1-2-3!
Winner by pinfall and NEW Women's Intercontinental Champion: Alexa Bliss

Match 4: Summer Rae vs. Sara Maple

Sara with a back breaker then quickly locks the arm and leg of Summer who eventually gets out of it. A springboard frog splash now to Summer's back but Summer gets some offense of her own now with a headlock then she begins choking Sara. Maple with a DDT into kip up shades of Dolph Ziggler. The two take the match outside the ring now and head up the ramp. Sara hits a big Belly to Belly as the ref is at 8. She runs back to the ring and gets in just before the ref counts to 10 and wins the match by count out! That's one way to avenge a loss in your debut that's for sure!
Winner by count out: Sara Maple

Match 5: Carmella vs. Dana Brooke

Carmella with a gut kick then a facebuster. Early pin and Dana gets out at one. Jawbreaker into a back breaker by Dana. Pin of her own but Carmella kicks out before the ref can get to one. Dana goes to the corner and exposes a buckle pad then lays kicks to Carmella's back. Another jawbreaker from Dana but Carmella kicker her way on the pick up attempt. A head scissor now by Brooke, cover but a kick out at one. Carmella takes down Dana with a snapmare and dives off the top rope with a cross body. Brooke with an electric chair drop and another pin but Carmella again gets out at two. Face first DDT now by Dana. She picks Carmella up and now hits a Bow Backbreaker. Carmella fights back and now sends Dana into the exposed turnbuckle and she crumples to the bottom of the ropes. Carmella now runs at Dana and attempts a Bronco Buster but Brooke gets out of the way as Carmella crashes hard into the exposed buckle now. Dana gets up and flexes to the crowd, she stands over Carmella and says she's going to break her. Brooke hits her Samoan Driver and that's all for this one!
Winner by pinfall: Dana Brooke
After the match Emma comes out to the ring. She begins to celebrate with Dana but Dana doesn't look too pleased. She slaps Emma across the face and says “I have no time for losers” and picks her up for a Samoan Driver. Brooke leaves the ring flexing all the way to the back.

Match 6 #1 Contendership for Women's Tag Team Championship: The Soul Sisters vs. The Syndicate

Brook and Akane start out and it's back and forth early. Brook with a frankenstiner, Akane with a DDT, Brook rakes the face of Akane on the mat and tags in Sandra. Sandra is met with a drop kick by Akane and she tags in Sinister. Sinister goes up for a cross body and connects on the downed Sandra. Sinister with a Belly to Belly then whips Sandra into her corner. The two begin stomping the hell of Sandra in the corner. They call this the Boots of Revelation and it ends with Akane baseball sliding into Sandra. Pin attempt now as Sinister takes out Brook but somehow Sandra is able to kick out at two! Now she begins to roll with Russian leg sweeps but very quickly the momentum comes to a halt as Akane elbows Sandra which stuns her long enough for Akane to send her to the corner. She lays in punches and goes outside the ring.
As Sandra's head is facing the apron Akane runs and does a drive by drop kick to the skull! Brook comes in to make the save at two on the pin attempt though! Before leaving the ring she says something to Sandra which gets her going as she whips Akane to the corner and hits Whisper in the Wind! Cover on Akane 1-2-no shoulder up at two! Finally Sandra makes the tag to Brook and she does a monkey flip to Akane. As Akane was falling back into her corner Sinister tags herself in and Brook tags Sandra back in. Both ladies run at each other but Sandra makes the first move with back to back clotheslines and a drop kick. She tags in Brook and Sinister tags Akane back in. Brook with two shoulder tackles and a sideslam then a standing moonsault! She throws Akane back into the corner where the tag to Sandra is made, a lifting Samoan drop double team move they call the Soul Bomb is hit and they win the match!! The two teams shake hands after the very competitive tag team contest!
Winners and #1 Contenders: The Soul Sisters

Main Event Ladder Match WWE Women's Championship: Asuka vs. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley vs. Charlotte vs. Paige vs. AJ Lee

Asuka and AJ fight outside while Sasha,Paige,Charlotte and Bayley are inside the ring. The ladder comes into play early as Lee pops Asuka with it. Bayley begins to climb but a suplex into the ladder sends it and Baylay crashing to the mat! Again the ladder is set up, Bayley and Sasha battle up there but Paige and AJ work together and down it goes! Bayley with a top rope frankenstiner then an exploder suplex on Sasha into the ropes! Two ladders are in the ring as well as all 6 ladies. Bayley to Belly onto the ladder!! Sasha's back has to be killing her as Paige hits the Paige Turner to Charlotte in the other corner. Sasha and Paige climb up and the battle begins again. Paige tries a suplex but Banks fights it off and sends Paige all the way down! Banks is all alone for the first time in this match. She starts working with the belt trying to get it off, but here comes Charlotte to halt her progress with a punch to the gut. Meanwhile Bayley and AJ push the ladder over and down go Charlotte and Sasha as they roll out of the ring. It's now AJ and Bayley and the two go at it as Bayley gets a DDT on Lee.
Bayley climbs the ladder as the other ladies begin to stir and get back up. AJ knocks the ladder down but Bayley hangs on to the belt and continues to work but Asuka jumps up and brings her back to Earth with a powerbomb! Bayley looked to be close to pulling the belt off! Bayley and AJ roll out as Charlotte throws Banks over the top and she falls onto Bayley now it's just Charlotte, and Paige after she throws Asuka outside. They make the climb slowly but Charlotte gets there first. She grabs hold trying to pull the belt off, Paige lands punches to the chest but Charlotte is still hanging on. Asuka gets back in the ring, now AJ and they team up to tip the ladder over along with Charlotte and Paige! Everyone's back in the ring but very quickly it's down to Bayley, Asuka and AJ. A running hip attack by Asuka to Lee and Bayley has the ladder up. She begins the climb, Asuka jumps up from behind but Bayley shoves her away, now Banks comes out of nowhere and joins Bayley on the other side of the ladder just slapping away and it causes Bayley to fall off! AJ comes in now and pulls Sasha off the top and she's all alone with the belt. Paige gets to her and pulls her off. Charlotte gets into it now slamming Paige with an electric chair drop back first onto the ladder!! Charlotte gets taken out by Sasha before she can get the ladder up. Ladder's up again and it's AJ and Sasha going at it AJ ends up sending Sasha to the mat and she rolls out as a result. Now AJ gets knocked off by Asuka, Asuka's up now has the belt in her hands but she can’t get a good grip and falls to the mat! Sasha comes rolling back in the ring, makes the climb.....AND PULLS IT DOWN!!!
Winner and NEW WWE Women's Champion: Sasha Banks
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