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Old 10-22-2016, 11:40 PM   #22
wiscowilz's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Re: wiscowilz's WW2K17 real-istic Universe: The New Era Begins


Dolph Ziggler v. Baron Corbin

- Corbin attacked Ziggler on the way to the ring and then took him to the mat inside the ring. Ziggler fought back with a dropkick taking Corbin down. Ziggler then hit a series of elbow drops ending with a big jumping elbow. Ziggler stayed in control and delivered the Zig Zag to win the match.


United States Championship:
Kalisto © v. Ryback

- Ryback went after Kalisto immediately as the match begin and brutally beat him down with is power tossing Kalisto around like a rag doll. Kalisto was able to use his speed to fight back and take the big man down. In the end Kalisto was able to hit the Salida Del Sol for the win.


Main Show
Intercontinental Championship
Cesaro v. The Miz ©

- Cesaro took early control of the match but Miz used a back kick low blow to take Cesaro down. Cesaro was able to fight back and take Miz down and then deliver a big suplex followed by a double foot stomp. Cesaro continued on Miz until Miz delivered an armbreaker over his shoulder but he picked Cesaro up at 2. Cesaro ducked a clothesline and hit a belly to back suplex and then he stretched him for a bit. Cesaro delivered a tornado elbow and then whipped Miz over the top rope to the ring apron. Back in the ring Miz hit a snap suplex on Cesaro followed by a DDT and a knee drop. Miz went to the top rope and delivered an elbow for a 2 count. The two men battled back and forth for several minutes and Cesaro was in full control. Cesaro hit the Big Swing and then was going for The Neutralizer. Just as he went for it music hit and all of a sudden Miz’s wife Maryse showed up to the shock of everyone. This distracted Cesaro long enough for Miz to hit the Skull Crushing Finale and held the tights for the win.


Elimination Tag Match:
Realest Guys (Big Cass, Enzo Amore) v. Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray/Devon)

- Big Cass and Bubba started out in the match. The match quickly spilled outside the ring. Back in the ring Enzo got tagged in but Bubba stayed in control. Bubba dropped a big elbow but Enzo fought back with a drop kick. Bubba went for a Powerbomb but Enzo reversed it into a huricanrana. Enzo tagged in Cass and ramed Bubba’s head into Cass’s feet. Cass got a 2 count and kept on Bubba. Bubba fought back with some punches but Cass stayed in control and hit a Russian leg sweep and a backdrop across his knees. Cass got another 2 count. Bubba battled back and hit the Dusty Rhodes elbow for a 2 count. Bubba hit a Bubba Bomb on Cass for a 2 count. The two men battled back and forth and Enzo tagged back in and delivered a diving headbutt on Bubba for a 2 count. Devon finally tagged in and took complete control over Enzo ramming him shoulder first into the ring post and hitting several moves on him. Enzo fought back and took Devon down for a 2 count. The two teams battled back and forth for several minutes and Cass and Enzo took Bubba down and delivered a Rocket Launcher for the elimination. BUBBA RAY ELIMINATED. Before leaving Bubba attacked Cass outside the ring sending him into the stairs. Devon came in and Enzo stayed on him but Devon was able to hit an electric chair. Devon delivered a superplex to Enzo and then delivered a big knee to Enzo’s head. Devon delvered a neckbreaker out of the corner for the 3 count. ENZO ELIMINATED. Big Cass got into the ring but Devon took him down right away for a 2 count. Cass battled back but the ref took a bump. This allowed Bubba Ray to come back in and deliver a 3-D on Cass before sneaking away.


Sami Zayn v. Kevin Owens

- The match started out and Owens took Zayn down with a big belly to back suplex and then locked in a headlock. Zan battled back with an arm drag but Owens delivered a sidebuster. Zayn reverse a suplex into a full nelson suplex and got a 1 count. Zayn delivered a running backflip splash and locked in a head lock then delivered a neck whip for a 2 count. Zayn stayed in control with a chin buster and another neck snap. Owens fought back and delivered a neckbreaker over his knee. Zayn blocked a suplex and hit one of his own. The two men battled back and forth for several minutes. Zayn was in control but Owens delivered a DDT followed by some kicks to the back and then was able to hit the pop up powerbomb for the win.


World Tag Championship
New Day (Big E/Kofi Kingston) © v. Vaudevillains (Aiden English/Simon Gotch)

- English and Big E squared off and Engligh took him down with a twisting neckbreaker followed by some kicks. Big E got to his feet and took English down and tagged in Kofi. Kofi got whipped into the ropes and hit with a big boot. English went to the middle rope and delivered a diving twisting uppercut. Kofi kicked out at 2 and battled back with a chinbuster and a big kick. The two men delivered moves back and forth. English got out of a suplex attempt with a knee to the head but Kofi hit a dropkick and tagged in Big E who delivered a big powerslam. Big E continued in control until English was able to hit a backdrop and tag in Gotch. The Vaudevillains double teamed Big E and Gotch went to the top rope and hit a diving elbow for a 2 count. Big E got to his feet and was able to tag in Kofi who hit a snap suplex. Gotch used a series of arm drags and hip drags to take Kofi back down. The two men fight back and forth for several minutes until they got English in the corner and delivered the Unicorn Stomp followed by The Midnight Hour for the win.


World Women’s Championship
Natalya v. Charlotte ©

- This match surprisingly spilled outside the ring immediately where the two battled for a couple minutes. Finally back in the ring Charlotte delivered a backbreaker across her knee. Nattie went for a sideslam but Charlotte turned it into a headlock takeover. Nattie finally got Charlotte in the corner and delivered multiple fists to Charlotte. The two women battled for several minutes. Later in the match Nattie locked in the Sharpshooter but Charlotte wouldn’t tap and she rolled out of it. She used some dirty moves but Nattie fought back and got a 2 count. Nattie continued in control and delivered a dropkick to the back of a seated Charlotte. Charlotte fought back and hit a flapjack on Nattie than posed for the crowd. Charlotte went back to Nattie and delivered the Bow to the Queen for the win.


Stephanie and Shane McMahon made their way to the ring followed by Vince McMahon.

Vince: “Well it’s time for me to make my decision as to who is running things around here.”

Stephanie: “Dad, you know I’m the right one to run things. I have been running things for the last year.”

Shane: “Yes Steph you have been running things directly into the ground through tyranny. Ratings have been higher in the last month since I was in control.”

Vince: “Enough of you bickering children. I have made my decision. Stephanie, you will be running things starting tomorrow night…”

The crowd begins to boo at this announcement.

Stephanie: “I knew you’d make the right decision dad. Well, Shane I’d love to say it’s been nice having you around again, but we both know that would be a lie.”

Vince: “…but wait. Steph before you get too cocky you might want to let me finish talking. What I was about to say was, Stephanie will be running things starting tomorrow night on RAW, while Shane will begin running things on SMACKdown. The brand split is back and this week there will be a draft on both RAW and SMACkdown. You both better start doing your planning tonight and have GMs ready tomorrow as well.”

The crowd is stunned at this announcement as are Shane and Stephanie.

Dean Ambrose v. Chris Jericho

- Jricho attacked Ambrose as he entered in the ring and the match began outside the ring. Jericho took Ambrose down but Ambrose fought back and sent Jericho into the ring apron. Jericho battled back and hit a flying forearm. The two men fought outside the ring for several minutes before finally entering and the match officially began. Jericho delivered a dropkick to Ambrose and then put his feet on the ropes in order to get the pin.


World Heavyweight Championship
No DQ, No CO
Roman Reigns © v. AJ Styles

- This match quickly spilled outside the ring as well and Reigns delivered a sledgehammer shot to Styles and then suplexed him on the ramp. Styles fought back and grabbed the sledgehammer and hit Reigns in the gut with it. Reigns fought back but Styles hit a back drop on Reigns followed by several kicks. Styles sent Reigns into the stairs. Reigns fought back with an elbow to the stomach and a belly to belly suplex. The two men fought in the corner outside the ring and Reigns delivered a bug suplex but Styles fought back with an arm drag and a back drop. The two men ended up over the guardrail in the crowd and Reigns stayed in control but Styles hit a headbutt. Resign fought back with an uppercut followed by several punches sending Styles back over the guardrail. The two men quickly went back over the guardrail and into the crowd where they continued to battle for several minutes. The match spilled through the crowd back towards the entrance ramp where Styles was taken down. Reigns walked away back towards the ring.
- (BTW completely out of the match, I love the split screen showing both guys, so much better than zooming way out. Such a great feature added).
- Back to the match Reigns was in the ring awaiting Styles return and when he came back he was tossed back over the guardrail and delivered many more punches. Reigns continued in control and the two men battled behind the crowd. Reigns hit a one armed powerbomb on the floor outside the ring and returned to the ring. Styles was in bad shape now. Reigns went back out to Styles and delivered a belly to belly over the head suplex. Reigns continued to beat down Styles outside the ring to a chorus of boos. Styles was able to hit a dropping armbreaker and headed back to the ring. Once again the match spilled back into the crowd and Reigns stayed in control with a series of uppercuts. Styles was able to hit a jumping neckbreaker on Reigns. He then went back to the ring and posed on the middle ropes. The two men continued to brawl outside the ring until they both finally ended up in the ring where Reigns was once again in control. Reigns hit a Superman punch and was setting up for the Spear when Gallows and Anderson rushed the ring.
- Reigns squared off with them when all of a sudden they turned away from him and attacked Styles. All the while Reigns just stood in the corner. Every time he thought about helping the just stared him down and said stay out of this.
- Anderson pointed to the entrance ramp when all of a sudden the arena went dark and THE BALOR CLUB appeared on the Titan Tron. The crowd went wild as Finn Balor makes his shocking debut. He made his way to the ring and stared down Reigns. He pointed to Gallows and Anderson and they picked up Styles and delivered the Magic Killer to him. Balor made his way to the top rope and delivered the Coup de Gras. This brought out a chorus of boos from the crowd.
- Balor, Anderson, and Gallows all left the ring and Reigns was still in shock. AS Styles began to stir slightly Reigns delivered a spear to him to retain the title.


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