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Old 07-10-2013, 09:30 AM   #16
catcher_0_3's Arena
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Join Date: May 2011
Re: The Official NCAA 14 Flexbone Offense Thread

Originally Posted by Timeetyo
How is everyone doing with the triple option? I am having mixed results with Georgia State vs other 1* teams and I am wondering if it is my fail reads, poor play selection, or my team not having the personel to make it work. I sim 1/2 my games, so overal stats won't help much with the CPU messing with the averages, but here is a typical game:
I think your problem is you're playing with Georgia State. They won't be favorites over any team they play. Throw one of the real flex teams in there for a couple of games and then see if you're having similar results.

5 Staple Plays in the Flexbone Offense:

1.) Triple- You could run this play every play and I wouldn't consider it cheesing. I've seen high school and college teams run it over and over until they drove the ball down the field and into the endzone. Make the other team stop this before you start getting "creative".

2.) Trap Option- Eventually if you are playing a human, they will get frustrated, take over a linebacker and start over pursuing once they see which Slot back is going in motion. The trap will keep them honest because the run goes opposite of the motion.

3.) Misdirection- Similar reasoning as the trap, the misdirection should be used to take away overpursuing defenses. However, the blocking on this play is usually top notch from my experience and the slot back can really pick up some big yards without a read.

4.) Midline- This one may take some time to really master because you are reading the defensive tackle right in front of you. However, it's a great play if you can master it because instead of your typical inside/outside run design, this one is all about pounding the middle and you have lots of blockers dedicated to it.

5.) Flood- One of my favorite passing concepts, Flood can really burn a defense for lots of yards once they start getting frustrated and begin sending the house to stop the run. Have this play read as an audible for when you see it coming. If it's the corner, hit the streak. If it's an outside linebacker or safety hit the slot back once he cuts out. If the shallow is open dump it and pick up the easy yards. If you read it wrong and they are running man, take off for the first down as well.
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