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Old 09-22-2010, 01:13 AM   #62
Lakers 24 7
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Re: F1 2010 Impressions (PS3, 360, PC)

I don't have a super computer and it's running smooth.

Quick impressions:

Overall the gameplay seems pretty solid, while it's not a sim it definitely has a lot of realistic elements built into it. Running a good racing line and nailing your apexes are absolutely crucial to laying down some good lap times. Managing engine and tire wear adds a good bit of immersion & realistic strategy to the racing experience.

The one gripe I have with this game is with the FFB. It's not accurate, nor realistic, and doesn't help you get a sense of what the car is doing, so essentially you don't feel as connected to the car and track as you should. If they can improve that aspect this game is easily a 10/10.
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