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Fiddy 01-27-2010 08:36 AM

Hockey Board Games - Dice Games - Table Hockey Games Discussion
hey guys, didn't really see a dedicated thread to this stuff.

my old man and i used to play the hell out of table hockey games from when i was about 6 to 15.. then we stopped. tried to get back into it a few years later and it wasnt the same lol.

the lady and i were trying to come up with a gift for his birthday coming up and thats when i noticed the NHL has a card game out called NHL Ice Breaker.


doesnt look all that bad.

then i thought about us playing dice baseball back in the day as well, so i searched for some dice hockey and found these.




i may snag the first 2 dice games. then download the print version of the 3rd game. seems like they have a decent rule set etc. i figure we can come up with our own variation of dice hockey, as long as we have those dice.

do any of you guys play dice hockey? table hockey? if so, please post what ya have and a link to it if ya can.

i seem to be back in this kick.. plus with us having a lil guy now, my dad is around a lot and would give us something to have fun with.

edit - man, this one looks awesome!!


daflyboys 01-27-2010 03:26 PM

Re: Hockey Board Games - Dice Games - Table Hockey Games Discussion
Your post reminded me of this: http://www.gamepile.com/details.php?id=48

I had this for a little while as a lad as it mirrored the more popular Thinking Man's Football game (which ironically, is also a dice game..... so it was more chance than thinking).

I remember the hockey game being a little cumbersome b/c you were rolling dice for each of the skaters. I would think this game might be tough to find today.

yankeesgiants 01-27-2010 04:46 PM

Re: Hockey Board Games - Dice Games - Table Hockey Games Discussion
I was a stratomatic hockey kid myself back in 89-90

Fiddy 01-27-2010 06:07 PM

Re: Hockey Board Games - Dice Games - Table Hockey Games Discussion

Originally Posted by daflyboys (Post 2040687440)
Your post reminded me of this: http://www.gamepile.com/details.php?id=48

I had this for a little while as a lad as it mirrored the more popular Thinking Man's Football game (which ironically, is also a dice game..... so it was more chance than thinking).

I remember the hockey game being a little cumbersome b/c you were rolling dice for each of the skaters. I would think this game might be tough to find today.

thats how that dice hockey game i posted above is kinda like. i thought to myself, that would be more of a hassle than fun. says it doesnt take long to figure out. i have the rules and stuff downloaded. may take a few things from each and make our own lil game up.

mikeymayhem 02-01-2010 07:44 PM

Re: Hockey Board Games - Dice Games - Table Hockey Games Discussion
I've never played anything like this but the idea really sounds awseome

Fiddy 02-02-2010 08:11 AM

Re: Hockey Board Games - Dice Games - Table Hockey Games Discussion
my dice have arrived lol..

told my old man about it lats night. figure him and i will get something going in the next few days with it.

dorismary 02-02-2010 05:49 PM

Re: Hockey Board Games - Dice Games - Table Hockey Games Discussion
If you want real stats just an Incredible exciting gameplay experience Get Strat o Matic .
I 100% gurantee satisfaction :60:

Fiddy 02-02-2010 09:08 PM

Re: Hockey Board Games - Dice Games - Table Hockey Games Discussion
can i just get this and be ready to play?


then get whatever teams we want?

im a bit confused by the site. the link above is 16 bucks. if i get the current edition it has the pens winning the cup team and like 5 others. for say 45 bucks.

should i just get the 16 dollar starting kit and buy the cards we want? whats the best way to do this?

hell, i wouldnt mind getting the cpu game either. looks like its 47 bucks combined, but not 110% sure.

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