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Blzer 12-25-2009 04:32 AM

Your brain fart(s) of the day
We all have them, sometimes even multiple a day. I'm sure this could very well just merge with the Off-Topic thread, so if it does that's cool to move it there.

Well, today I managed to search for my phone for minutes on end, feeling my pocket to ensure it wasn't there... right in my freakin' hand.

And just to date back to brain farts earlier back in school earlier this semester, I managed to knock on the door to my own dorm room (someone caught me and asked what I was doing before I went "D'oh!"). Also, in my dorm we have the faucets that you push down on and the water runs for only a period of time before it shuts off, so when I first came back home I somehow left my sink on once and didn't even notice that I did for a few minutes at least. What a shameful waste of water.

I'm sure I'll have one tomorrow, so I'll post if I do.

deaduck 12-25-2009 07:18 AM

Re: Your brain fart(s) of the day
More of a concussion story but....

One weekend a few years back I had got a nasty smack to the head from a chair and didn't get my dome checked. I was on call as a maintenance man so I got paged to look at a water heater. Now up to this point my brain had seemed fine from my own perspective... untill I tried to use the pipe cutters. My hand eye was so wonky I couldn't get a flow going so I figured the pipe cutters were broke. Went to my truck to get another set of cutters (which I did not have/own), stupidly realized I didn't have a second pair went back into the apartment and now couldn't find the first pair. After wandering around looking for them realized I had gone back into the wrong apartment. Back outside, I came to the conclusion that I need to go see a doctor. Drove myself to a nearby ER...sat down in the waiting area without checking in and just sat there for a couple of hours until the duty nurse came out to check on me because the receptionist was about to make a shift change and noted I had been there for too long.

My brain has never been the same.

GAMEC0CK2002 12-25-2009 11:49 AM

Re: Your brain fart(s) of the day
I've lost my car keys before....not realizing they were in my pockets. They are sometimes hard to feel when you're wearing sweats and in a big time hurry.

kehlis 12-25-2009 11:53 AM

Re: Your brain fart(s) of the day

Originally Posted by Blzer (Post 2040584254)
I'm sure this could very well just merge with the Off-Topic thread, so if it does that's cool to move it there.

Where's this off topic thread you speak of? ;)

stewaat 12-25-2009 11:58 AM

Re: Your brain fart(s) of the day
I've gone to the kitchen to get something and came back with something else. I've done this too many times to count.

Valdarez 12-25-2009 12:24 PM

Re: Your brain fart(s) of the day
After Christmas dinner last night, followed by a full on 2nd course at 3 am this morning, I can safely say that none of my farts are of the brain variety today.

jct32 12-25-2009 12:32 PM

Re: Your brain fart(s) of the day
While I was in Charleston, during my first couple of days there. I was talking to my mom on the phone and freaking out because I have all these inspections and no time and I couldn't find something I was looking for. So after desperately searching for it (I was on speakerphone) I realized it was in my hand. Stress is no fun.

buttsakk 12-25-2009 12:55 PM

Re: Your brain fart(s) of the day
Pouring myself a glass of milk/juice/etc... finish pouring and then put the full glass back in the cupboard. I've done this multiple times. :34:

Edit: just remembered (brain fart ;D). After pouring myself some milk, I start to motion my arm holding the milk towards the cupboard and catch myself in the act... I couldn't believe I was thinking about putting the milk back in the cupboard, but so is life :)

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