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Herd90XB 07-18-2002 04:40 PM

Put NCAA Games on Equal Footing
I gotta complain just a little. No, I'm not going to knock EA or Sega for getting the color of socks wrong or the wrong type of facemask. I can understand those type of errors. When you're working under deadline and dealing with so many teams, those kind of errors will occur.
My complaint is that I think EA and Sega should put their NCAA games on equal footing with the pro games. Why shouldn't the NCAA games be as "up-to-date" as their NFL big brothers? We plunk down the same amount of cash for the NCAA game as we do the pro, right? I'm sure the pro games sell more but I still think were getting taking for a ride. Don't get me wrong.
I'm sure NCAA 2003 will be a great game. I just wish it would get the same "treatment" as Madden 2003.

SouthernPhenom 07-18-2002 04:42 PM

Re: Put NCAA Games on Equal Footing
i agree as in having this years madden engine as opposed to last years! But oh well i'm ready to wreak havoc on the college football world!

tshelton 07-18-2002 04:46 PM

Re: Put NCAA Games on Equal Footing
I like how they are doing it right now. So if I would buy NCAA 2003 and Madden 2003, I don't feel like I am playing the exact same game.

MachoMyers 07-18-2002 04:47 PM

Re: Put NCAA Games on Equal Footing
I'm with TShelton on this...They both have a different style to them that makes both enjoyable...I mean they are made differently and, lets face it, the College and Pro game are very different.

NYJets 07-18-2002 04:48 PM

Re: Put NCAA Games on Equal Footing
Yep, don't understand what the point is making one game worse than the other

HoopGopher 07-18-2002 05:00 PM

Re: Put NCAA Games on Equal Footing
If you read interviews, you'll find out that NCAA 2003 isn't using Madden 2002's engine; it's using a well-tweaked (hopefully well) version of NCAA 2002. Yes, NCAA 2002 probably used Madden 2001 However, if they went completely from scratch, we wouldn't have even had NCAA 2002 because writing a new football engine would take forever. Also, there are quite a few people who like the Madden engine and EA already spent millions developing it, so it makes sense to start it from there.

Having said all that, I'm glad that EA is doing it the way it is. They finally have enough support for the game to give it a substancial development team and they're going in their own direction. I would also add that NCAA will probably never be as technically sound as Madden because EA puts way more money into that series... it's their cash cow, so to speak.

Herd90XB 07-18-2002 05:08 PM

Re: Put NCAA Games on Equal Footing
I definitely want the games to be different. And, last year I did enjoy the NCAA game better than Madden. I just thought the graphics were a little better and there seemed to be more animations in the Madden game. It may just be my feeble mind playing tricks on me though!

HoopGopher 07-18-2002 05:12 PM

Re: Put NCAA Games on Equal Footing
No, I agree about the graphics. That's what I meant by the end of my post and the technical merit. Madden will have that because of a larger development team and more money put into it. I think that if things go the way they seem to be going, with Sega taking away a lot of EA's NFL market share, that the NCAA series might become more and more popular. This could mean good things for those of us who want to see equality among the titles.

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