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Majingir 03-07-2024 04:13 PM

Re: Survivor 46

Originally Posted by slickdtc (Post 2050888756)
Yeah Q had the right idea. I didn’t see who he voted for? There was so much going on I wasn’t sure what the actual plan even was, but thought he was going to vote Kenzie with Jess & either Bhanu or Tiff. May have missed when he tried to convince Tiff to do that, she was pretty done with Jess so maybe he went with it to keep her on his side. That’s why he let her in on it anyway. Smart gameplay. I thought he was a bit obvious with Jess & the fake idol but they had to be because she was so oblivious.

This season feels different so far. The players seem loose but competitive — joking back with Jeff, the headband on the challenge idol, the banter. Think we may be seeing a shift.

Soured on Venus hard after their challenge win. She’s not wrong that communication is key but it sounded so entitled. Heat of the battle, **** gets lost in the intensity. She’s gonna be gone sooner than later, the perception is set now and it’s hard to shake that.

Soda absolutely cracks me up. A lot of Maryanne in her but way more physically able and not afraid to fire back. We’ve got some people who have a quick tongue so we are in for some fireworks this season as the lack of food water and sleep takes it toll and inhibitions slip.

Randen seems like an idiot. Lol

Everyone voted for Jess and Jess voted for Bhanu (Bhanus reaction after seeing the first vote is another reason why he's just over animated and a "loose cannon". He literally packed his bag and was about to leave. Wonder if Survivor is just too stressful for him because before that immunity challenge he did seem fine).

Venus definitely seems like someone people will either love or hate. Off topic, but based on where she lives and the pic they posted, I'm guessing she was part of those protests that was shutting down parts of Toronto last summer or other times before.

p_rushing 03-07-2024 10:45 PM

Re: Survivor 46

Originally Posted by Majingir (Post 2050888734)
And speaking of Liz, apparently she's one of those "take my seminar and courses and I'll teach you how to get rich" people who get rich by having people take their seminar and courses. So she's not like some corporate office tower ceo type of person.

She seems like she is making everything made up or its embellished and half truths. Selling a business that only existed because you filled paperwork with the state but didn't have revenue. She does lots of podcasts but does anyone actually listen? She seems like the type that has family money and she thinks her success is because she is great.

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p_rushing 03-07-2024 10:48 PM

Re: Survivor 46
I'm glad the episodes are going back to 1.5 instead of 2 hours. They were too long and put too much time into personal stories that weren't interesting and are basically whatever goes through.

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Majingir 03-08-2024 12:00 AM

Re: Survivor 46

Originally Posted by p_rushing (Post 2050889321)
I'm glad the episodes are going back to 1.5 instead of 2 hours. They were too long and put too much time into personal stories that weren't interesting and are basically whatever goes through.

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They only went 2 hours because of shows not being fully back. Premieres were later than that anticipated so they had to do an extra 2 hour episode. You could tell they weren't planning on this episode being 2 hours.

Originally Posted by p_rushing (Post 2050889318)
She seems like she is making everything made up or its embellished and half truths. Selling a business that only existed because you filled paperwork with the state but didn't have revenue. She does lots of podcasts but does anyone actually listen? She seems like the type that has family money and she thinks her success is because she is great.

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Definitely feels like she just does the whole "I have money, you can too, just follow these 10 easy steps as I coach you" stuff. Meanwhile all that's being done is you profiting off that person which is how you got money to begin with. You're not actually accomplishing anything.

l3ulvl 03-09-2024 01:48 AM

Re: Survivor 46
When Jess wasn't seriously looking, and couldn't find the fake even if she was, that cracked me up. Then Q flat out gave it to her, and she asked if it was real, like look me in the eyes and tell me it's real, and he's like "give it back to me then" lol that crushed me lol, he gave no reason for giving it to her, nothing strategy wise or anything, just take this, and she's like ok cool

Majingir 03-09-2024 09:54 AM

Re: Survivor 46

Originally Posted by l3ulvl (Post 2050889985)
When Jess wasn't seriously looking, and couldn't find the fake even if she was, that cracked me up. Then Q flat out gave it to her, and she asked if it was real, like look me in the eyes and tell me it's real, and he's like "give it back to me then" lol that crushed me lol, he gave no reason for giving it to her, nothing strategy wise or anything, just take this, and she's like ok cool

That whole thing was so weird.

She was barely even looking, just moved around a few leaves, turned over rocks and was like "it's probably not here" and just walked away.

Q giving it to her and not telling her a plan but then also assuring her she has the majority vote made no sense either. Maybe he wasn't banking on her even using it?

slickdtc 03-09-2024 02:59 PM

Re: Survivor 46
Yeah hard to tell what the hell is going on in that tribe. They’re playing so dumb, but the circumstances are so dumb so hard to say what’s what. Very much Carolyn/Carson/Yam-Yam tribe vibes.

Majingir 03-09-2024 04:57 PM

Re: Survivor 46

Originally Posted by slickdtc (Post 2050890251)
Yeah hard to tell what the hell is going on in that tribe. They’re playing so dumb, but the circumstances are so dumb so hard to say what’s what. Very much Carolyn/Carson/Yam-Yam tribe vibes.

Those 3 were actually smart though.

This tribe feels more like the yellow tribe last season.

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