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Old 05-07-2024, 05:35 PM   #10085
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Without getting into too much detail, our company shares a factory with the folks who make the WWE metal products. And they shipped an enormous box of leftover stuff to us that included belts. No one really wanted them and we can't sell them for legal reasons. They're technically "flawed" which is why they weren't sent to the store, but the flaws are like a tiny bit of black paint missing from an area or a small crease that likely would have formed the minute you played with it anyway. But I figure I'd show what I nabbed.

Never held or been near a belt before. I'm pretty shocked at how heavy these things are and it's impressive that wrestlers just carry them around like it's nothing.

These are apparently close to the real thing. The main difference is the real ones have a leather strap while these use a fake leather (a pretty big difference in cost). The real ones also use cubic zirconium and these are just glass crystals (I don't know if you could even tell the difference). The plates are the same though and boy are they heavy.

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