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Old 02-17-2024, 02:01 AM   #6
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Okay this idea kind of got lost as I couldn't figure out how to start. But I guess there's no really playing catchup (ketchup)...and I'll begin by updating a long dormant game where I was stuck at 60%.

I have in my possession a terribly organized system of keeping track of my games.

So eavh game I get starts in the SHELF OF SHAME (shame...shame...shame....) and works its way up. Whenever a a game breaks out of it current categoryand graduates to the next, I call that ASCENDING. There was a time that I had a system...whereby I would I would download a couple handfuls of games and play them one after the other. And I would play them ONLY until I got an achievement and then I would stop no matter how quick it came). Or sometimes I would stop if I got bored. I never initially TRY to get achievments since many achs in games come freely just when you play them. Others are harder. Once I've finished a game or progressed quite a bit, only then would I peek at the conditions for getting achs. ANd some games they are easy to pick off the hidden ones. Some require grinding, some progression...some just playing a lot...some are extreme skill challenges. But overall...I have a rule. I am okay with not 100%ing a game if ann achievment becomes too taxing. Some hard ones I will give myself a few days of trying to get it but I am perfectly happy with "letting it go" as some are just too stupid to bother with. One of my favorite things to do though is to ASCEND a game from one category to the next. It makes me happy and makes me feel productive. And really I came up with this achievment hunting scheme to force myself to play games that have sat dorment and unplayed. And cards just weren't enough reason.
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