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Old 12-14-2023, 11:47 AM   #498
College Prospect
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: High and outside
One of the better places I've found for more in-depth analysis on the Lions is All_22_Films on YouTube. They have a guy who is a Ravens and Lions fan so he gets a little more in-depth on the Lions. I think he's a defensive (LB?) coach at some level.

He recently described the defense as too vanilla and needed to be more multiple. Pretty easy to agree after seeing the tape from those games. After CHI, he shows that there are a lot of assignment mistakes, possibly BECAUSE they were being more multiple. All that would makes sense. Now, I don't know if that is because the players are too raw to be asked to learn all the nuances of normal assignments PLUS oddball assignments - or - that the coaching/talent is lacking.

Watching those breakdowns also highlights just how complex the assignments can be. There's a ton of "if this then that unless you see this except if they do that." I don't know how you internalize all that especially the stuff that is only obvious when seen from an overhead all-22 camera rather than seeing it out through your facemask on the field.
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