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Old 11-20-2023, 11:06 AM   #206
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
**WCW Tag Team Championship Match: The Blue Bloods (Heel) vs. Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater (Heel)**

**Event: WCW Monday Nitro**

In an unusual twist of fate, tonight's WCW Tag Team Championship match features two heel teams, each notorious in their own right, vying for the prestigious titles. The Blue Bloods, along with Sensational Sherri, are already in the ring, the championship belts gleaming in the light. Sherri's regal attire and the aristocratic air of Lord Steven Regal and "Earl" Robert Eaton exude confidence.

The rugged duo of Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater make their entrance to a chorus of boos. They exude a raw, no-frills attitude, a stark contrast to the Blue Bloods' polished demeanor. The tension in the ring is tangible as both teams eye each other with contempt.

**The Match:**

The bell rings, and the match starts with a standoffish exchange between the teams. It's a chess match of sorts, with each team trying to outwit and outmaneuver the other. The Blue Bloods' technical prowess clashes with the brawling style of Buck and Slater, leading to a chaotic back-and-forth.

Sherri is visibly involved, shouting instructions and occasionally interfering, but her efforts only add to the mayhem. The Blue Bloods manage to isolate Buck, using quick tags and double-team maneuvers to maintain control. However, Buck's resilience shines through as he endures the punishment and creates an opening to tag in Slater.

**The Climax:**

As Slater enters the ring, the momentum shifts. He unleashes a series of hard-hitting moves that leave the Blue Bloods reeling. Buck and Slater start to dominate, using underhanded tactics to keep their opponents off balance.

In a crucial moment, Sherri attempts to intervene, hoping to turn the tide back in the Blue Bloods' favor. However, her plan backfires when her attempt to hand Regal a foreign object is spotted by the referee, who promptly confiscates it.

**The Finish:**

Capitalizing on the distraction, Slater rolls up a stunned Regal, using a handful of tights for extra leverage. The referee, still dealing with Sherri, turns just in time to count the pin: 1... 2... 3!

**Winners and New WCW Tag Team Champions: Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater**

**Post-Match Fallout:**

The arena is in shock as Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater celebrate their unexpected victory. The Blue Bloods are in disbelief, while Sherri is in the ring, her hands covering her face, crying in frustration and disappointment.

Regal and Eaton console Sherri, but their expressions are a mixture of anger and bewilderment. They can't believe they've lost the titles, especially after Sherri's miscalculated interference.

As the new champions exit with the belts, the Blue Bloods remain in the ring, trying to come to terms with their loss. Sherri is consoled by Regal and Eaton, but the defeat stings. It's a moment of vulnerability for the aristocratic trio, and the Nashville crowd can't help but react to the dramatic turn of events.

Tonight, the tag team landscape in WCW has shifted dramatically, and the Blue Bloods are left to ponder their next move in the wake of this stunning upset.

4*, Match Note: Cool Spots

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