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Old 11-05-2023, 08:25 AM   #194
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Don't see western press reporting this (yet) but would be a great option if feasible. Abbas & West Bank has been relatively peaceful w/Israel.

But assuming Hamas is bombed to smithereens, would Gaza civilians even want Abbas & PLO governing them? Would Abbas be able to retain control?

Just a moment...
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says during a meeting in Ramallah with US State Secretary Anthony Blinken that the PA is ready to shoulder full responsibility for the Gaza Strip in the framework of a comprehensive political solution that will include the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza after Israel’s war against the Hamas terror group ends.

Abbas stresses that security and peace can only be achieved by ending Israel’s military rule over the territories of the “State of Palestine,” and by recognizing East Jerusalem as its capital.
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