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Old 11-02-2023, 06:49 AM   #16
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2012
I prefer to play custom fictional leagues as opposed to the NFL ..

Am I correct in saying that if I want to create a fictional league where I have specific say over where the teams are located and what they are called, I need to completely edit all aspects of the default teams csv file for the specific league structure I want to use, then select "use default teams" when creating the league?

Because the alternative only allows me to basically pick how many teams I want in each country, then the game just creates cities and nicknames, and there's really no way to adjust the team cities/nickname after league creation?

Is all the above accurate?

I'm still a ways away from starting my 'real' league, but just wanted to be sure I had the format correct for how to go about it.
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