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Old 10-31-2023, 07:39 AM   #186
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
The commentators' voices take on a note of urgency as they relay that something has gone amiss backstage. The scene shifts abruptly from the opulent display in the ring to the stark corridors behind the scenes, where chaos evidently reigns.

The camera, shaky from the sudden rush, catches the tail end of a violent encounter. Sting is sprawled out on the cold concrete floor, clutching his side, his face a grimace of pain and surprise. His iconic face paint is smeared, a testament to the struggle he must have endured.

As the camera operator pans up, we catch a glimpse of a figure dressed entirely in black, a mask obscuring their identity, dashing away from the scene of the assault. The figure moves with purposeful speed, disappearing around a corner just as more WCW personnel rush to Sting's aid.

"Who was that? Who attacked Sting?" one commentator exclaims, the confusion evident in his voice. The other chimes in, "This is a cowardly act, attacking a man from behind and then running from the consequences!"

Medical staff and security swarm the area, tending to Sting, who's slowly trying to gather himself, anger mixing with the pain on his face. The camera lingers on the corridor where the assailant disappeared, the question hanging in the air, almost palpable amidst the chaos: Who could it have been?

As the segment ends, the mystery remains unsolved, but one thing is clear — this attack adds a new, ominous cloud over the upcoming Clash of Champions PPV. The fans are left wondering, speculating, and waiting for any clue that might reveal the identity of the attacker.

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