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Old 10-17-2023, 10:35 PM   #27
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
1 Aug – Our army is done restocking at a total of 2312.

14 Aug – I am asked to join Aed VI’s hunt and I do so

29 Aug – We are hit by Mosquitoes and I gain, for three years “Plagued by Mosquitoes”

7 Sept – We have to go foraging when we run out of food

12 Sept - A man named Folachtach wants to dual me. I agree but have my Knight fight him. He wins and wounds my Knight

14 Sept – We fail to heal it and gain a wound issue for a year

1 Oct – We arrive at the camp and will be hunting a Stag.

7 Oct – My older brother Conchabar dies on the hunt and I gain stress. I now have 1 level of stress

10 Oct - I suffer from a Mental Break. I can go to the brothel, convert to Nestorianism or bite my tongue and move on and gain 30 more stress. I bite my lip.

23 Oct – The Hunt ends and I lose 32 stress because I am a hunter

29 Oct – The Earldom of Athlone where my Peasants don’t like me gets a County Corruption event for 5 years called “Lack of Sheriffs”

9 Nov – On the way back we run into a Wolf attacking a man what do I want to do? We leave him.

22 Nov – My wife the High Queen is again pregnant

3 Dec – Caissene is dead! I gain 24 stress

I want to do Murchad next but he’s much harder to kill at just 40% of success and 55% of secrecy. Do I want to? It would also take 2 years. Is that worth it? Well I’m 56 so if I get Kinslayer then I won’t be alive to worry about it.

30 Dec – We are back from the Hunt!

15 Mar, 1084 – Conchenn my oldest daughter has come to age!

Conchenn – 16 years old, Brave, Vengeful, Greedy – Astute Intellectual, engaged to Prince Malcom of Scotland, 3/8/8/9/9, prowess of 16 –

The marriage happens!

6 April – We get another marriage proposal from a Kingdom of Aragon on Iberia.

It will be with his son and heir Garcia Sanchez who is 23 and my 13 year old daughter called Aedammair who. I am fine with the marriage generally, but do I want to be pulled into Iberian Reconquista Wars? She’s Homely so this would be a great match politically, but their military is just 1643. But hey I am about to die, and I like the match. Just not the alliance. Aragon only have three provinces and Castille have gobbled up much.

I decline

25 April – A hunt is launching by Duke Ruadri and I agree and join

4 May – I get my fortune told – I get bad omens for 5 years and lose 15 stress

8 May – I get more skeeters, I get more stress and I have a Mental Break – I choose to swap out Temperate for the bad Arbitrary and then lose a massive 68 stress. I was at level 2.

26 May – We arrive in camp. We are hunting a hare.

22 June – We give birth to a daughter named Dub-Essa

9 July- We are successful and I gained an item called a “Rabbit’s Foot” – this lowers stress monthly

I lose a bunch of stress and drop below level 1.

11 July – My attempt to Sway Olav worked and we gained 25 relations and are now at +66. Next is Aed VI at -12

9 Aug – We return from our Hunt!

I don’t want to offer my 14 year old daughter to create an alliance that may be an issue, so instead I offer her to the son of the Duke of Raudri of Connacht who is 23 named Tadg – that gives her +100 and him +300 prestige

23 Oct – Our peasant rebellion from Athlone has left the coalition against me.

7 Nov – My friend Maire dies and my stress raises above level 1
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