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Old 08-31-2023, 01:16 PM   #163
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
### WCW Monday Nitro: Post-Starrcade Episode


**Segment: "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Sting's Dueling Promos**


**Entrance and Atmosphere**

The arena darkens momentarily before the iconic strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" thunder through the speakers. A spotlight hits the entrance ramp as "Macho Man" Randy Savage, decked out in new black and white ring gear, confidently struts down to the ring, championship belt slung over his shoulder. He snatches a microphone from the ring announcer.


**Beginning of Promo**

Savage: "Ooh yeah, dig it! The Macho Man is in the house, and look what I've got, yeah!"

He hoists the championship belt high in the air.

Savage: "I walked into Starrcade as the United States champion, and guess what, I walked out the same way, yeah!"

The crowd erupts with a mixture of cheers and jeers. He circles the ring, feeding off the energy.

Savage: "You know, they say to be the man, you gotta beat the man. And Sting, you didn't beat the man at Starrcade, did ya? Nope!"


**Sting's Entrance**

Before Savage can go further, the arena lights go out. An iconic drum beat blares through the arena. It's surfer Sting, bursting from backstage, his face a canvas of vibrant paint. He sprints down to the ring, snatching a microphone.

Sting: "Macho Man, you're right. To be the man, you've got to beat the man. But last I checked, you didn't beat me either."


**Two-Person Promo Attack**

Sting: "You talk about walking in and out as the champion. Well, Macho Man, that belt over your shoulder should've been mine!"

Savage: "Well, Sting, the record book says otherwise, yeah. You couldn't get the job done, so here I am, still the champ!"

Sting: "Record books aside, Macho Man, this isn't over. I want another shot, and this time, I'll make sure the record books tell a different story."

Savage: "You want to step back into the ring with the Macho Madness, huh? You think you can handle the intensity? Oooh, yeah!"


**Conclusion of Segment**

Sting: "So what's it gonna be, champ? Are you man enough to put that belt on the line again?"

Savage contemplates for a brief moment, then raises the championship belt high in the air.

Savage: "You want this, Sting? Then come and take it! I never back down, and I never will. Oooh yeah, I'm in!"

The two men stand nose-to-nose, the tension in the ring at a boiling point.

Sting: "Good, then it's settled. May the best man win."

With a magnetic charge in the air, both men drop their microphones. They exit the ring, going their separate ways, but not before leaving an indelible impression of what's to come.


100% effective

25% increase in their feud to 91 heat

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