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Old 07-19-2023, 02:24 PM   #284
FOFC Survivor
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Wentzville, MO
May 31:

A low strained hum of the decades old life support systems kicking on sends stale air into your nostrils. As you enter into the derelict space station, lights flicker and struggle to stay on. Even though the facility has been abandoned for dozens of years, you feel as if you're being watched.

Explore the station/lab. There are 5 spaces overall.

We start in the upper left corner of this map. Room 1 is immediately in front of us and looks like a lobby. 2 is just beyond that working to the right. It looks like office space or something. 3 is in the bottom right corner. It appears to be storage. 4 looks like a lounge type area as you move back along the bottom of the map back to the left. You're left with 5...but you could hit 5 immediately if you want as it appears to branch off of the lobby. Looks like more office space.

We'll go in order, 1-5.
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