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Old 07-11-2023, 05:00 PM   #55
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Surprise Patch

Normally patches are every two weeks, but this one is going to be 3 weeks due to a summer break/week off that Riot has. So we weren't expecting anything until next Wednesday. But there were a couple bugs and a nasty exploit that popped up that they were motivated to fix ASAP, and while doing so a couple balance adjustments were made as well.

The bugs/exploits have never been relevant in any of my games so we can ignore them.

Ezreal legend - his augments give less gold or no gold, just items in most cases.

Kaisa and Lux both received mana nerfs.

That's it, but it's enough. This went live last night. It seems like rerolls are currently dominating the meta with the dominant 4 cost units being nerfed a bit.


Noxus Opener -> Noxus
Bows -> Jinx (gunner zeri if no jinx 3 (?))
Swords -> Zed or Akshan (Yasuo/Challenger if not hitting the other two)
AP Items -> Multicaster or Lux/Azir

Try to default to reroll comps but have a 4 cost backup in mind based on items/units

I know the comps I'm mentioning are viable, but time will tell if I can navigate this at all. From the past few days I'm all the way down to Diamond 4, 0 LP, and I usually am slower than the average player at adjusting to patches unless they land perfectly for me.

My legend for now is Master Yi. He offers augments that boost attack speed on 2-1. Most of the comps I have listed benefit heavily from that. Challenger and Sorcerer/Multicaster do not, so I'm hoping to lean into those a little less often.
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