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Old 07-03-2023, 10:17 PM   #35
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
I played 1 addtional game yesterday after hitting diamond and got another 1st, whee. I'm also on vacation all this week.


Game 1: We get a very strong void augment on 2-1 with a void opener, I'm able to ride that to an easy top 4, playing rek'sai and kaisa dual carry, but this needs Reksai 3 to seal the deal, and I did not get that. 4th: +10 (D4 75 LP)

Game 2: I have a strong opener with Shadow Isle and Viego 2 with good items. Think Fast on 3-2 was maybe a questionable decision but I was able to use it to find a Lux board that led me into Sorcerer (still not on "the list" of preferred comps, but maybe it really should be). This is another game where I was strong until stage 4 and just bled out, but it was good enough for a top 4. 4th: +10 (D4 85 LP)

Game 3: So there is a strat with the Aurelion Sol legend, which gives augments that accellerate XP, to full open fort (play zero units) in stage 2, this causes you to take max damage, but you get first pick on carousel for items, and you get a 5 loss strea for maximum gold. Well, we had two people doing that. A 3rd wanted to hard force zed from a loss streak and decided to do the same. So for all of stage 2, THREE people played no units. I don't like that strategy at all in the first place, but here it was hilarious. It allowed me to play Zeri, who is pretty much trash right now, but I won streaked so hard that and three people were basically not in the game, it gave me a easy top 2. 2nd: +32 (D3 17 LP)

-- That second place promotes me to Diamond 3. At present Diamond 3 - 17 LP puts me at rank #6,480 in the top 1.03% of players in North America

After a slow start we're quickly getting up to where we expected to be.

Game 4: Triple prismatic game, which is always highly accellerated and feels like playing the lottery with your LP at times. I took Void Crown which committed me to Reksai and trying to get 8 Void which is a huge end game power spike but difficult to reach. I was strong early and mid, I eventually hit 8 void and 3* Reksai but got smashed by a totally standard Azir board (well, with it's own power from their prismatics). We'll take 4th. 4th: +10 (D3 27 LP)


long break here to play some on my alt w/ a friend and do some other stuff


Game 5: It's another Karma Reroll game. Honestly I have so much success with this any time the opportunity presents itself this is my preferred comp. I coasted into a top 4, but I was a little slow in hitting Karma 3. I think this was a mistake where I could have rolled it down to try to hit a couple rounds before I did, and it would have made a difference. Still a solid result. 3rd: +17 (D3 44 LP)

Game 6: We end up with Kalista early and try to play the normal Ionia/Challenger thing, but we get a lot of Kalistas that take too long to 3*, Yasuo and Kaisa don't come for too long and it's a 6th. 6th: -24 (D3 20 LP)

+17 for 3rd but -24 for 6th is a bad sign, maybe some folks are duo'd in my game and there are more lower ranked people for some reason, but this could start to become a slog the rest of the way to master real fast. It already does become rough b/c I get closer to my skill cap so there's more variance, but when you're losing more for losses than you gain for wins by a large amount, it's hard.

Game 7: Well I haven't placed 8th in quite some time, so at least there's that. I had a decent Invoker opener, but I was contested. I was keeping an eye on the guy contesting but he wasn't going to budge. I hit an early Azir and tried to transition into the Azir/Lux comp, but I lost every round in stage 4 and just followed through to die in early stage 5. 8th: -20 (D3 0 LP)

Despite games 6 and 7 I climbed a bit today. I'm probably done for the night (though we'll see, my sleep gets messed up on vacations and I might stay up late). My next coaching session is tomorrow, so that's going to be exciting.
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