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Old 07-02-2023, 12:35 PM   #29
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Sunday Pt 1

Game 1: Interesting game. The meta has settled where over half the players are playing Ionia (kaisa/yasuo usually) or Azir/Lux dual carry. I don't really enjoy these kinds of metas where a couple things are insanely contested. But this game I got a Noxus opener and ran with it, no one played Azir, only one person played Kaisa/Yasuo, a couple people played some unique stuff I havne't seen before. Good fun. 2nd: +31 LP (P1 89 LP)

-- This is now the 4th time I've gotten within striking distance of promoting to Diamond. At 89 LP a 4th won't do it, but a top 3 will.

Game 2: And for the 4th time, when I could promote to Diamond, I bot 4 instead, lol. Very difficult early game, I found an early Azir but it didn't stabalize me because I never made a front line. I had 1 nasus, 2 Jarvan, 1 Aatrox, 2 Shen, 1 Sej... all of the 4 cost front liners, I would play anything I 2*'d, who cares about getting the ideal synergies. But no, nothing. 7th: -34 (P1 55 LP)

Game 3: We hit a very solid Ionia comp, and piloted it to 3rd. It was frustrating in a sense, as I had outs to cap my board much higher with a Bel Veth and a duplicator, but couldn't find a second to get her 2*. With an ionia emblem she becomes incredibly strong in this comp, but we still put together a very solid top 4. 3rd: +19 LP (P1 74 LP)

If you're looking at the numbers, you note +31 for 2nd, -34 for 7th, only +19 for 3rd when that was 20 or 21 recently. The longer we linger without climbing, the more our MMR becomes damaged. In a perfect world we gain the same for 2nd as we lose for 7th, etc. But the reality is that never happens except for top players who get to Master very fast. For everyone else, this will get worse and worse. +40 for 1st, -60 for 8th is not uncommon.

At 74 LP we would need a top 2 to promote.

Game 4: We continue alternative top 4/bot 4, this one is a close 5th, but a 5th nonetheless, playing Azir/Lux with a non-standard front line. We hit well enough to not lose a ton of LP, but we needed a little closer to the ideal to top 4, this was overall a very strong lobby, so closer to perfection was required. 5th: -10 LP (P1 64 LP)
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