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Old 07-01-2023, 10:20 AM   #26
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Friday - Session 2

Game 1: 6 Noxus, I committed too early to this and ended up holding hands to a bot 4 (holding hands = two people playing the same comp when it really only supports one, so you doom each other). 6th, -20 LP

Game 2: Very solid Azir game, ended up with two shurima spats to go 7 Shurima, I couldn't quite take down Kalista 3, opponent found two Ionia spats and was equally strong in their vertical. 2nd, +32 LP

-- pretty long break here, duo'd on an alt with a friend of mine and then took a diablo break.

Game 3: I was all set to play kaisa/yasuo like normal, I had IE/Rageblade/HoJ on a kalista, hit level 8 and rolled, and I 2*'d Aphelios and Urgot instead, so I pivoted my board entirely into aphelios, and eventually hit Aphelios 3. Yesterday that's nothing special, but today, that's a 1st! 1st - +45 LP

At this point I'm at 79 LP in Plat I. A 2nd, and maybe even a 3rd would promote me to Diamond. Or we lose a bunch and run it down. Could go either way!

Game 4: We choose run it down. This was a triple prismatic game, these games are wild and the aggression in them can be off the charts b/c everyone has so much power. I hit a very strong aphelios board... for a normal game, but everyone else just hit way way harder. The items given to me by my legend augment were absolutely horrible. I had a long early win streak but once I started losing it was straight down. 6th - -21 LP

Game 5: Oh man, truly running it down. This was a very out of sorts game where I was weak early, rolled some at 6 and didn't stabalize, and had a frankenstein board on 7 that didn't really work and I never managed to upgrade. Oof. 7th: -34 LP

A break to watch a Robinsongz game on his VOD to try to re-center after those two rough games.

... later ... and more breaks to play on my alt with a buddy, so we stop here for the night.

I end the day in Plat I somewhere around 20 LP. A nice gain on the day.
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