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Old 12-13-2022, 11:06 PM   #79
Young Drachma
Dark Cloud
Join Date: Apr 2001
My biggest coup yet, I got us invited to a 6A tournament. They've been asking for years if we could get to an overnight invitational tournament, but there aren't very many in the state for girls teams (there's really only 1 or 2 for boys teams tbh) and we normally wouldn't be invited because we're small.

But I reached out to a coach that runs on that has attracted some of the best teams in the state historically -- though not always -- but always 6A programs to see if they were interested in having us and they said they would. So that's good be awesome for the team. It's also a H2H format, so it means we'll get at least 3 matches over the 2 days.

I have no idea how competitive we're going to be this year -- I can speculate, but I'd rather not jinx it -- but coming off two years where we were 22-1 (with individual match records of 145-24) I know we won't be as *dominant* as we'd been, even if I expect us to still contend for another state title so long as we can shore us our singles situation.

We have 2 match dates left on the calendar that I can still fill, nobody is getting back to me about filling them -- not surprised I guess -- but part of that might just be that it's nearing the holidays and people aren't thinking about tennis season right now.

We'll see, but no matter what we already will play a tougher schedule than we ever have and that part really excites me.
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