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Old 12-12-2022, 10:55 AM   #16
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2004
JBMagic was a high roller at the casino, always looking for the next big thrill. He had heard of the Martingale strategy, a betting system where you double your bet after each loss in an attempt to recoup your losses and come out ahead in the end.

JBMagic decided to give it a try at the blackjack table. He started small, placing a bet of $10 on his first hand. He lost, but he didn't let that deter him. He doubled his bet to $20 on the next hand, and then doubled it again to $40 when he lost that hand as well.

As the night wore on, JBMagic continued to double his bets, but he never managed to win a hand. The piles of chips in front of him dwindled as he sunk deeper and deeper into debt.

Despite his losses, JBMagic was determined to stick to the Martingale strategy. He believed that if he just kept doubling his bets, he would eventually come out ahead. But as the hours passed and the stacks of chips in front of him grew smaller and smaller, he knew that he was in trouble.

The casino staff and other patrons began to take notice of JBMagic's predicament. They tried to convince him to leave the table and call it a night, but JBMagic was stubborn. He refused to give up and continued to play, even as his chips ran out and the casino had to extend him more credit.

In the end, JBMagic never managed to win a hand using the Martingale strategy. He was forced to play until he could no longer afford to bet, at which point the casino had no choice but to escort him off the premises. JBMagic's reckless pursuit of a quick win had cost him everything, and he was left penniless and alone.

Originally Posted by McSweeny
Because you know it takes sound strategy to get killed repeatedly on day one right?
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