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Old 02-27-2022, 08:47 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by Solecismic View Post
I'd hesitate to connect Trump to praise of Putin's current actions. Trump is all about himself, yes. He has no qualms about criticizing the current administration, which frankly people on both sides do with regularity. This is an ugly quality. But he isn't pro-Russia nuking the world.

I think this is an excellent example of what I was writing about. If we persist in this hate - this desire to connect people we hate to the worst the world has ever seen - then the politicians and the otherwise irrelevant personalities in the media win. If we give them power to make us hate, then we stop questioning the loss of civility or reason.

Is that a world even worth saving? Don't mistake this for praise of Putin, but maybe that puppet in the Russia media has a point, for all the wrong reasons. It's not a world without Russia that isn't worth having. It's a world without freedom or civility that's not worth having.

Yes, yes, both sides. A world without civility isn't worth having - that's definitely Hallmark worthy and definitely not bringing out the tone policing.

Trump is definitely a narcissist. And he likely was saying something self serving. And he took his time to praise Putin because it was self-serving. Is he pro nuking the world? Nope. That's one hell of a giant goalpost move. I said he was praising Putin even after the invasion, WHICH HE DID (link below).

I'm pretty sure even Putin isn't pro nuking the world: to him, it's just a tool in the tool kit. But Trump was quick to praise him for being smart while even a number of people in his own party were quick to distance themselves from Putin and literally all of the Western world including typically neutral countries like Switzerland or non-NATO Sweden and Finland (who, yeah, they have no love for Russia but they've avoided NATO so far) are all lining up in opposition.

I'm kindof getting tired when someone else keeps putting words in my mouth when it's pretty clear what I said and I can even quote it. It's like a few inches up on the page. The pearl clutching, false centrist, arbiter-of-decency rings really hollow when you have to move the argument all the way to "well, Trump isn't pro-Russia nuking the world". But I'm not the one who had to find the new midway point of the argument at "but at least he doesn't want the end of humanity" to get a fulcrum just to get in a snide "both sides" arguments.

Link mentioned above where all other living former Presidents of both parties forcefully condemn while Trump, the most recent and most influential, does not:

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