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Old 11-25-2021, 05:45 AM   #143
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Supposedly this crap will be prioritized. And should be more than just monetary fines IMO. Long overdue.

I wonder how many of these cases are caused by alcohol.

Biden’s Justice Department puts unruly airline passengers on notice - POLITICO
Not only do passengers violate federal law when they harm employees, “they prevent the performance of critical duties that help ensure safe air travel,” Garland said in a letter to his workforce. “Similarly, when passengers commit violent acts against other passengers in the close confines of a commercial aircraft, the conduct endangers everyone aboard.”

Though the FAA has instituted a zero-tolerance policy against mask noncompliance and other bad behavior and has handed out record numbers of fines, unions for flight crews have complained that prosecutions at DOJ have lagged behind and have urged the administration to do more to penalize the behavior.

Earlier this month, the FAA referred 37 cases of egregious behavior from travelers to DOJ, noting that it believes all of them meet the standard for potential criminal prosecution. An FAA spokesperson on Wednesday said it has not passed on additional cases since.
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