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Old 09-12-2021, 09:10 PM   #54
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
LOL at "perilously close"

I'm not sure what to say... I think overall, if you could commit that kind of time (1 hour a few times a week) that would keep you lively in the challenges, that are part of grinding out free stuff for your team. You cannot be cutting edge with that amount of time (and I cannot be with the time I have spent, either) but it's enough to feel like you're "in it" I think.

And in the end, to be fully honest... what I'm doing is more or less just rosterbation. The big sharps are playing in the online leagues against one another, Elo-adjusted or otherwise, and that's fine... my team-building skills far outstrip my button-mashing skills, which are adequate at best. (I still really have real trouble making fast decisions playing defense, and am still not that good at calling audibles or formation adjustments, which all the sharps do)

So, your call.

And, if you're in the fence...they appear to have put some real time into the "Franchise" segment of the game (multi-year career style sim)...and if that moves from being nearly useless to somewhat entertaining, that would help merit the investment of either money or time, whichever you value more.
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