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Old 12-27-2016, 06:59 AM   #113
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
December 27, 2016

Thank you guys so much for the well wishes, and I did have a very nice Christmas by the way.

Today I have my follow up CT scan. This will let me know how effective the Xalkori/Keytruda has been so I'm saying my prayers for a good result. Unfortunately, I won't find anything out until the 4th, when I go back in for my next infusion.

I do have some disturbing news to report. Over the last couple of days I've had moments where there was discomfort under my rib cage on the left side.
I wouldn't qualify it as pain, but it also isn't a normal experience for me. I haven't said anything about it to the wife yet because I don't want to ramp up her anxiety during the holiday, and honestly there is nothing that will be done about it until the results of my scans are studied. This actually creates an bit of an enigma in that - if this discomfort is the cancer, and it is growing, I may not know it on this scan, because when I started the treatments all my chest pain initially went away - so it is possible the drugs killed the cancer cells initially, but they've grown back, but potentially not to the point they were when I was initially diagnosed. Meaning I guess I really won't know if things are looking positive for sure until April sometime when I'll have my 2nd follow up CT scan.

Sometimes I marvel at my own stupidity. This morning because I have the CT scan I can't eat for 3 hours before the procedure. During the night I woke up and I never really got back to sleep as I stayed in this semi-conscious twilight for about 90 minutes. During that time my mind raced through different things, one of which was the need to eat early so I could take my pill. During that stage I determined everything would be fine because I had to get up early to take the kids to swim practice and I'd make a protein shake at that time for myself so I could take my pill and not get sick. Only problem was, when I woke up, and consciously thought about my need to eat, I decided I'd wait until I got back home after dropping the kids off from swimming, which put me at home less that 3.5 hours before my appointment, leaving me to rush through making and drinking the smoothie (which of course led to several incidents of brain-freeze... )
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