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Old 08-16-2014, 12:39 PM   #427
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Las Vegas
Originally Posted by Izulde View Post
My experiences with police are slightly different than most on this board I think, in that most of my dealings have been with university police (including the infamous cape incident).

Almost overwhelmingly, I've found university police to be wonderful, kind, and patient people - save for one cop at UArk who was very surly, but he was probably having a bad day, or annoyed at the dingy GA who accidentally locked his keys in his office , so I give that a pass.

Now Las Vegas Metro... holy shit, are they a bunch of assholes by and large. And the ones that aren't assholes? They've acted completely indifferent, like they don't really care about anything. Again, these are just my experiences, and I realize that there's some cyclic effect here - bad cops on the force engage in unlawful shootings (which there seem to be several each year) and/or questionable behavior, and that turns the citizenry against them, which makes the cops defensive.

And I know they have to deal with a lot of really aggravating things like jagoff tourists who act like toddlers in the terrible twos. But still... the difference between UNLV campus police and Metro couldn't be greater. And I expect that's all to do with the environment they're policing in.

Considering I went to U of Ark and live in Las Vegas I'll give my 2 cents here.

U of Ark cops (And the NWA police) are largely a joke. They could care less if something was happening. U of Ark cops spend most their time checking parking lots for parking violations. Went on a ride along with Springdale cops and it was 6 hours of playing grab ass with other cops.

As for Vegas, you need to break the precincts into two groups. There are "Strip" cops who have to deal with more shit then you could every imagine. My ex-brother-in-law did a ride along and he said they had about 10 times as many calls in one night compared to his normal shift in LA. They would have to give everything a priority just because it was impossible to get to every call. They don't even both with the small drug or public intox that they would because of the small force on the strip. You also have "Naked City" in this area where the scum of Vegas lives(Followed by D street. Add in the amount of suicides that happen on the strip that go unreported (We are #1 in the nation in suicides) and it becomes too much for one force to take care of.

Now once you get out of the Strip you are dealing with local cops just like anywhere else. The farther away from the strip, the nicer the cops are.

Originally Posted by Izulde View Post
Yeah.... not so much anymore. Lot of gangbangers come in from LA, and a guy got killed at Drai's nightclub a few months back. The Metro police and casino security are both still aggressive assholes in general, which makes sense given the environment as I've said, but it does have a toxic effect on their relationships with the rest of the city.

Most of the gangbangers moved back to Cali when the housing market crashed in 08 to be honest. Sales in our stores out here went down in most the gang affiliated items starting in '09. Don't get me wrong, there are still gangs here but they don't roam like they use to and stay in their own neighborhoods.

Metro should be aggressive because a lot of crazy shit goes on here. You bring up Drai's (which happened last year btw) so I'll bring up CiCi's Pizza where two cops were killed just 2 months ago (Page Not Found. You had the nut jobs who were pointing their guns at cops during the Bundy Ranch thing. Not one can of teargas had to hit the ground during the Bundy Ranch incident. I can't name another city that has to deal with the reckless behavior of it's tourism like Las Vegas does and I think the police for do a pretty decent job of it.
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