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Old 08-14-2014, 11:08 AM   #223
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Bethlehem, Pa
Originally Posted by jeff061 View Post
Cops are good people:

Video of Ferguson police gassing news crew and dismantling their equipment - Boing Boing

Fuck them. I don't believe the majority of police officers are good, I don't care the opinion of people on this board. The idea of being a police officer does not appeal to good people.

Tackling someone about to jump off a bridge doesn't do anything to make me think you are a swell human being. Being someone in that person's life that prevents him from wanting to jump? Yes. Luckily being in the right place at the right time? Not so much.

Edit: Just noticed this vid had been posted, missed a page since I last checked this thread.

i have stayed out of this until now, because i know my opinions are vastly different than most people here, but i am not gonna watch this one go by

i honestly feel bad that your view of a group of people that have dedicated their lives to risking it on a daily basis is so immensely fucked up.

i went to college with the thought of becoming a District plan was to become a cop so that i could finance law school without a mountain of debt.

i jacked up my shoulder my senior year and as a result, was unable to complete the physical portions of academy entrance tests for many years.

so what did i do instead...i became a 911 dispatcher...for 8 and a half years i became the first voice that thousands of people heard when they needed help.

and in case that wasnt enough, i became an EMT, so that when i wasnt picking up the phone, i was going to the peoples houses to try to save their lives.

the entire time i was doing that, i still wanted to be a cop.

but i guess that i am no a good person

unless you have done it, you have no idea what it is like to do a job where you are universally hated for doing it...for showing up for work KNOWING that you might not go home that night, and instead, some chief or captain will go tell your wife and children that their father is dead.

people like you are the EXACT reason that those cops are acting the way they are in Ferguson...because you think you have a right to hate them for their mere existence...and since there are alot more of you than there are of them, you then hate them more because they prepare themselves to defend each other...they have no idea who the enemy is, because it is everywhere when people like you exist.

i am not saying shitty, corrupt, and abusive cops dont exist...i have known some...had to work with them...and hated every second of it

but for every one that is a piece of crap, there are thousands that are doing showing up every day prepared to put themselves in harms way...yeah, they get a paycheck, but would you risk your life just for money...they do it for the same reason soldiers do it...because it means something to them.

you on the other hand, are a first class asshole, who means nothing to are the first person to say "Fuck Them", but i am sure you would also be the first one to cry about them not being around if you needed them
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