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Old 08-31-2007, 01:56 PM   #284
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by Radii View Post
I'm looking into a couple "Medical Weight Loss" centers/offices to possibly check out later this week or early next week

Ok, so this is basically a 'start over' point for me. I had started eating better, started exercising more, but its time to go all out. Also the weight number is resetting b/c i'll be officially weighing in once a week at the place I'm going to.

Last Saturday I went to a weight loss center and had some tests run as part of an initial consultation. They measured body fat, BMI, did bloodwork to send off, urinalysis, checked my blood pressure of course. Today(6 days later) I went to see their doctor to see how all the tests looked and what they recommend for me. I knew going in that they will make use of appetite suppressants to assist with weight loss, which is probably a bit controversial, so I did research on my own and talked to some people before I went to feel confidant that this is a step I want to take, and at my age, weight, and given my history with weight loss efforts, it absolutely is.

Anyway, I saw the doc today. My blood sugar is very high, to the point that diabetes is a concern, so I'm now taking a prescription to help regulate that and will have another round of blood work done after losing some weight to see if the blood sugar is better. My 'good cholesterol' is a little low, but otherwise, things look good. My blood pressure last Saturday was 120/83, and today was 125/83, my bad cholesterol number is solid, and we went over a bunch of other things that I don't remember fully but everything he showed me was normal. Oh also an EKG showed no heart issues to worry about. I'm not surprised at all about the blood sugar, and I'm pleased to not have any other major problems to worry about.

So as of today I'm taking a prescription appetite suppressant, and in a couple days will start taking the blood sugar medicine as well(the doc said to start one a few days after the other so if there are side effects, we'll know which drug causes them). The diet he wants me to begin to try to follow is a 2000 calorie diet with a focus on protein, not Atkins or anything close to it, but just making sure i get a good amount of good protein every day. I'm supposed to follow the basic guidelines they recommend(2000 calories spread out over 3 meals and 3 snacks, 2 of the snacks being low calorie/high protein shakes or bars), write down everything I eat for two weeks, and then meet with their nutritionist to see how I am feeling and adjust the diet to make it something easy for me to follow in a healthy fashion.

For exercise I'm on the right path, starting slowly, and building up over the next month or two to where i have the endurance to get in a solid 30 minute workout, right now I'm just doing the same shit, parking far from the building at work, walking to get the mail whenever i go to check it, and using my exercise bike, even if I only use it for 5-6 minutes at a time, and slowly building up.

My starting weight is a bit higher than my scale shows, but I'm also weighing in fully clothed. I've never been real happy with my scale, if I bump it and move it a 1/2 inch the weight registers 5-6 pounds different sometimes.

Starting Weight (8/31): 360.4
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