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Old 07-28-2007, 06:29 PM   #272
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
I can't leave Jeeber alone in this thread, its time to take another shot at this, after two aborted attempts in the last year.

Last July I was down to about 300 pounds even. The laziness and lethargy I found I could "get away with" once separated and then divorced, plus a big jump in disposable income, had me in a pretty bad place, and I gained 55 pounds in about 5 months, ordering in or eating out literally every single meal for months. I tried twice two get myself moving again(both times in this thread), without success.

I've already done some things differently, I've brought some better foods into the house already(instead of posting and saying 'tomorrow is when i go buy fruit and good stuff, etc, and then not doing it and failing right from the start). I've already been exercising for a couple days. for the last week or so I've been grabbing a bottle of water at work and resisting the urge to go to the store in the lobby of my building and buy a soda.

I had said in this thread the last time I started this... I'm 6'4", and I've never been above 330 in my life until this past year, and have been down as low as 300 a few times in the last 3-4 years, to step on the scale and see a number of 350 quite frankly terrifies me. How I've been able to sit at this weight for basically a year now without doing anything about, there's no excuse, so here's another honest to god shot at getting myself back in shape again.

Starting Weight (7/28): 357.0
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