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Old 06-20-2007, 12:40 PM   #428
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Astoria, NY, USA
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
Just speaking generally about shows, I think there's a difference between ending the storylines and ending the characters/show itself. I think all people like HA are saying is that they introduced storylines that never were ended. The Carm house storyline (I didn't watch the show, I'm just taking from what you guys have posted) was introduced during the show, and some people would expect to see it conclude, having watched previous episodes in which that was a storyline. What happens after that, ad infinitum, is outside of what was introduced into the show itself. So there's not an expectation that the characters would be resolved until they die, but that storylines introduced into the show are concluded. Otherwise, I can understand the frustration of feeling like watching the series was largely for nothing, since major storylines (apparently) never went anywhere, ultimately.

I know there's a fine line between resolving storylines and tying up a series in a nice, neat package that comes off as cliche, but I can understand the frustration as a TV viewer of not having storylines we've invested ourselves in be resolved.

It will be interesting to revisit this issue when Lost ends. How pissed will people be if that show never really resolves (or leaves as ambiguous) certain mysterious storylines that the series has been built on?

the whole point behind me bringing up Carmela and her living situation is this has happened before. the Boss of the NYC mob got thrown in jail, and wound up having to sell his huge house that his wife and kids were living in to Bobby and Tony's Sister. so, if Tony got whacked or throwin in jail - does the NJ mob step up and continue payments to her? Paulie and Gay Vito waited until Tony came out of a coma to finally bring their kickbacks to Carm, otherwise they weren't gonna pay her. what happens? her whole side business (selling houses) was based on Tony being able to lean on the inspectors to get them to approve the poorly built houses she was developing. so there goes her source of income. what happens?

if Tony gets whacked, does that once again force AJ to try to be a man and avenge him? he clearly has the means with his associates in the Next Generation of young gangsters. does that throw him over the deep end or does he finally wind up killing himself (successfully, this time)?

these are the things i'd like to know. take me from Point A to Point B.
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