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Old 03-31-2007, 04:59 PM   #243
General Manager
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Town of Flower Mound
Most of y'all probably remember me losing around 25 pounds before my wedding in August. I did it with a combination of eating right and going to the gym four to five times a week. Well, since the wedding I've pretty much gotten back into my old habits. I just weighed myself and I'm back up to 221lbs, 16 pounds or so up from my wedding weight, but not quite back up to where I was at my worst (around 230).

So starting Monday I'm back on the wagon. I'll start eating properly again (which has been a serious weakness...I've been pigging out at work lately) and going to the gym (I've only been a handful of times since August). The biggest hurdle is just getting my butt in there. Before the wedding I was working mostly evenings, so it was easy to get to the gym in the late morning/early afternoon before I had to go to work. Now I work almost exclusively mornings, so if I want to get to the gym I have to either get up at 5am and go in before work, or drag my butt in there after work, when I already have sore feet from walking/running/standing for the previous eight hours. I'm not sure which route I'm going to take...I know my wife would prefer I go in the evenings so that she can go with me, but I prefer going before I'm worn out.

I'm hoping that having some accountability here at FOFC will help me to keep going, as I would like to get back down to the 200 range. It's so strange...I was SO self-motivated before the wedding, but since then I have no willpower. If y'all could keep on my ass about this I would really appreciate it.

Oh, and when I said I would be starting Monday, that means eating well. I have to be at work at 6am on Monday, and after ten hours on my feet I'm certainly not going to be feeling up to going to the gym. So the gym doesn't start until Tuesday.

Thanks, guys!
UTEP Miners!!!

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