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Old 11-28-2006, 10:54 AM   #119
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Well its been a month since I posted here, I guess it took awhile to get up the steam to actually get started... I talked myself out of trips to the grocery store to get the food I need to start Atkins a number of times, but I've finally done it!

The last time I went to the doctor(last week for bronchitis) I weighed in at 355. That's... damn, that's high. I have gained weight like never before since July, when I was almost down to 300. The life changes and stress have definitely had me turning towards comfort foods and just not worrying about what I eat and eating out literally every meal for a few months. 355 is about 25 pounds more than I've ever been before, so this is a pretty big challenge, but its an important one too, I just don't feel good at this weight at all.

So I've made the switch to water, and to low carb foods, I made sure to bring a few different things into the office for snacks and lunches to keep me from being tempted to go out(or order in, which the rest of the office does a couple times a week).

I'm not really sure where I'll be able to weigh myself on a weekly basis for a little while, my scale isn't accurate over 320. We have a workout center in the office, but last time I checked, no scale there.

The plan for this week is just to stick to my guns and cook the meat I bought, eat the salad I've got, and get into induction in Atkins. I need to go for a walk a few days after work as well.
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