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Old 11-03-2006, 02:56 PM   #106
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Progress to date: Two-month mark

Starting Weight: 201 pounds
Current Weight: 196.5 pounds (-4.5 pounds)

So far I've been able to stick to the 6 days exercise/1 day of stretching regimen. I've run three times/week, and then either rollerbladed or used the Yourself Fitness program on the Xbox for the other three workouts. I've been gradually increasing the total exercise time as well. Last Friday I went for a 46-minute run, which is the longest I've run in quite a few years. My body seems to be holding up pretty well, and an ache in my right hip and a stiff right shouder that bothered me during the first month have gotten better as I've gotten in better shape.

Diet-wise, I want to do better. I still haven't had any soda at all. I've stayed alcohol free as well. Chocolate and Halloween, however, have been gotten the better of me. I raided about half the supply of candy that we bought to give out on Halloween, and have quit chocolate four times in the past ten days. Once I have one piece, I just can't stop. There have been three days when I've eaten at least 15 of those bite-size chocolate treats (Heath bars, Rolos, Twix bars). Also, I've eaten more crap and less good stuff in the past month. I can do better here.

I'm happy with the results so far. It feels great to be exercising consistently again, and I've lost nearly five pounds in weight. Still, I feel like I have a long way to go. A "normal" running pace used to be seven-minute miles for me, and now I'm knocking off miles in about eight and a half minutes. Although this is faster than the nine-minute miles I was doing when I started, I want to be lighter and faster.

Interestingly, over the first month of this plan I actually gained five pounds. I hit 206 pounds a month ago, which is the heaviest I've ever been. I'm guessing this is from adding muscle faster than I've lost fat. I've been glad to have been dropping weight the past month.

For the next month, I'm planning to keep up what I've been doing exercise-wise, and try to eat more fruits and veggies.

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 11-03-2006 at 03:02 PM.
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