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Ben E Lou 09-27-2004 12:52 PM

Help For New Users Who Can't Post, and General Posting Guidelines
OK. Here are the basics:

1. No links to porn sites (hardcore or soft). Period. This includes hxxp links.

2. If you think a site has questionable content contained therein, use hxxp when posting a link.

3. Please be careful about posting pictures in a thread, even if they are pictures from a legit site like ESPN. Think of the FOFCer who is surfing sitting at the desk at his office.*

4. Please note that these are general guidelines. It just isn't feasible to attempt to write a set of rules that take into account every single possible linking scenario. The mods will make judgement calls on enforcement, and their decision is final.

*--And before you say, "Well, they shouldn't be surfing at work," consider that there are those who are allowed to surf the 'net during "down-times" at work, but if someone walks by and there's a picture of a woman in a bikini/underwear/skimpy clothes, they may get called into question.

OK. Now that the basics are out of the way, below I've copied and pasted some comments from the original thread that I found important to help people understand why we have this policy. The bottom line is this: it is a courtesy to other board members who may have different guidelines at work than you do. Here ya go:


Originally Posted by SkyDog
Today I heard from yet another long-time, respected forum member who may have to stop coming here from work because things that are linked to from here are coming up as potentially objectionable. This could *kill* our forum. By far, our largest day-to-day activity is during the work day. As more and more offices use 'net snooping software, this is going to become more and more of an issue. It is my understanding that a number of these programs use what a site links to as one of their criteria for determining whether it is appropriate or not. I issued a suspension today to someone who posted such a link, and I won't hesitate to continue doing so.


Originally Posted by HornedFrogPurple
This is coming from Mrs. HFP:

"Any network admin with 2 minutes on their hands and knows what they are doing can shred an anonymizer." Believe me she knows what she is talking about so be careful.

She also suggested to stop actual direct links from this forum to whereever to use something like:


Then you can open up a new browser, copy/paste and change the in hxxp to http. This prevents direct linking from here in any way. So if you aren't sure, just do that.

Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by Ryan S
Most employers who use net snoops are just checking to see nobody is using work time to search for objectionable material. The seaches are usually fairly primitive, and most companies will look for trends.


Originally Posted by Ryan S

The majority of companies would have no problem with employees occasionally visiting this site if we stuck to our normal content.


Originally Posted by SkyDog
This has come up before. There is no possible way to lay out every possible suspense-worthy offense. Further, if I tried to do so, the obvious result would be that the people who enjoy being jerks would post every possible offensive picture that didn't violate the letter of the guidelines. Trying to lay out something like this is a recipe for a modding headache/nightmare. There are basically two rules around here:


Originally Posted by SkyDog

RULE 1: Don't act like an asshat.
RULE 2: Mods will make a determination on a case-by-case basis as to whether or not someone is acting like an asshat.

Link to original thread.

Ben E Lou 10-03-2004 11:01 AM

OK. This was up for a full week. Bumping and un-stickying.


Draft Dodger 11-13-2004 11:27 AM

<-- his fault

Ben E Lou 11-13-2004 11:36 AM

Just to clarify, DD direct-linked to a couple of pics from maxim online. The pics were innocent enough, and not even of scantily-clad girls. The problem is that I would strongly suspect that a link to maxim online would raise red flags with some of the 'net usage snooping software. Please consider not just the content of the pic, but the content of the site that it is on.

Ben E Lou 12-17-2004 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by JeeberD
I'm not sure if I should post a brilliant "ABC Song" video that I saw recently or not.

A couple of pairs of briefly bare boobs isn't necessarily porn, right?

When in doubt, throw it out.

KevinNU7 05-07-2005 09:43 AM

SkyDog, I'd like to add something here. Gambling sites. They are also banned at most offices, and companies that use spyware technology often find those sites as jsut as bad as Playboy

Barkeep49 06-25-2005 10:55 AM

Hate to be a pain but can we ban the worse sort of swears in thread titles? As someone who is currently surfing from work at a public place, it makes me quite nervous having that.

stevew 06-25-2005 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by George W Bush
which words?


Originally Posted by George Carlin
And words, you know the seven don't you? Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits, huh? Those are the heavy seven. Those are the ones that will infect your soul, curve your spine and keep the country from winning the war.

i think this is what he roughly meant

MizzouRah 06-25-2005 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49
The seven words are a nice list. I have no problems with them in threads as they tend not to stand out so much, but as thread titles they are big and bold and I'd like to keep being able to work and surf.

I fully agree.

Ben E Lou 08-10-2005 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49
Hate to be a pain but can we ban the worse sort of swears in thread titles? As someone who is currently surfing from work at a public place, it makes me quite nervous having that.

I agree. Let's watch that.

Bump---unstick--and referenced in the top thread...

Ben E Lou 01-09-2007 07:49 PM

Once you register for the board, your validation e-mail should be sent *immediately*. If it does not appear in your e-mail inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder. Odds are, it's in there. If it's not there (if your spam blocker auto-deletes spam, for example), then you're going to need to unblock the domain "", register another account, then respond to the validation e-mail.

StLee 03-19-2008 08:05 PM

I'll post this here because it may be somewhat relevant to post content, but how do I report PM spam? I got a spam message from a user, and I don't see a "Report this post as spam" option anywhere.

Ben E Lou 03-20-2008 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by StLee (Post 1687584)
I'll post this here because it may be somewhat relevant to post content, but how do I report PM spam? I got a spam message from a user, and I don't see a "Report this post as spam" option anywhere.

Forward the PM to me.

Ben E Lou 10-05-2008 02:45 PM

Bump. Temporary unstick.

Ben E Lou 09-26-2012 08:11 PM

Found it.

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