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EA Sports UFC 2: Initial Impressions Roundtable

Glenn Wigmore: EA Sports UFC 2 is evoking NHL 16 for me, where it's a product that's more confident than it's previous iteration, with a better suite of modes, added gameplay depth and some augmented presentation. The improved striking and evasion moves have changed the feel somewhat, with crisper combos and more impact on strikes.

The clinch and ground game put me off in the beta, but some time with the game has made me realize that the simultaneous input and visual indicators are not only good for casuals but good for pros. It takes out the guesswork (somewhat) for new players, as they can have a sense of what does what. Also, simultaneous input from offenders and defenders means you can always try and do something, even if it doesn't work out immediately.

Online, as it did before, works very well. The matchmaking is even faster, and there's basically no lag. I'm enjoying the title chase online championship too, which gives you a reason to pick different fighters, and it supplies you with unique goals during your online runs.

"...but some time with the game has made me realize that the simultaneous input and visual indicators are not only good for casuals but good for pros."

The career mode is kind of breezy, but it's mostly the same stuff that was there before. I've found it sort of painless and acceptable so far, but it pales in comparison to stronger franchise and career offerings in other sports products. Ultimate Team is an unsurprising addition from EA, but Knockout Mode is actually quite fun, providing some comically quick combat.

I'm having a good time with the game so far, and this is coming from someone who logged 250+ hours of the previous game.

Fraser Gilbert: I'm only a casual UFC fan, but I enjoyed EA's first attempt at replicating the sport more than I had originally anticipated. From what I've played of EA Sports UFC 2 so far, it feels like a fairly hefty improvement over its predecessor.

Ultimate Team is a fun addition that I would expect to sink the majority of my time into. The ability to craft a team of fighters is great, particularly because of the extensive creation tools. There's plenty of offline and online options to hold my attention throughout the next year, and I like the way the cards have been implemented as well.
In terms of gameplay; I'm still not sure how I feel about the new clinch/ground controls. They're much easier to get to grips with than in the first game, but I still think they feel a bit laborious, and now I spend most of the time staring at the button prompts instead of watching the action.

I haven't spent much time in Career Mode, so I'll reserve judgement for now. I'm particularly enjoying the multiplayer-friendly Knockout Mode, which feels more like Street Fighter than UFC.

There's a lot here to satisfy fans of the sport. The gameplay only reaches levels of excellence from time to time, but the vast number of game modes should be enough to keep me interested until the next iteration comes along.
Chris Sanner: I won't lie, I did not like the original EA Sports UFC much at all (as a contrast to Glenn above). There were several things which just kept the game from being something I could really sit back and enjoy for what it was.

With that said, EA Sports UFC 2 seems a different animal. The presentation is slicker, the graphics look better, and oh yeah -- the gameplay is improved in several important and notable ways. I'm digging the submission system, and absolutely love the new dynamic grappling.

Everything seems to flow and work better this time around. Having the experience of a title under their belt and seeing what worked and what didn't seems to have paid dividends for the team working on the game.

"Everything seems to flow and work better this time around."

I've also dived into the career mode a bit and it seems to be pretty standard fare for now -- but nonetheless a fun time.

All in all, EA Sports UFC 2 seems to be improved in most every way over the original. If you liked the first game, you are probably really going to love this edition.

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Member Comments
# 1 iTzAsTr0x @ 03/16/16 12:08 AM
I love the game. Traded in UFC after 1 week because it was terrible. But UFC 2 just feels different and I enjoyed every second of the EA Access Trial. Ultimate Team is a surprisingly good addition as well. Too bad I wont be able to pick it up for about a month.

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