Feature Article
Top Spin 4 First Impressions

Top Spin 4, thus far, has blown my mind. The game is very realistic, and like most 2K Sports games, it requires skill and practice to compete.


The one thing that stands out most to me is the artificial intelligence. The AI is, in one word, brilliant. It is smart, difficult and darn good at what it does. The best part about the AI is that it will switch up strategies in the middle of a match. For example, I was playing my fourth match, but it was the first time my opponent played the net. He ended up rocking me 1-6 in the first set, and I really had no chance.

After the first set I took a deep breath and switched up my game plan. It worked, and I won the second set 6-0. Now, here is where it got exciting, as my opponent changed his strategy for the third set, and it worked once again. He jumped out to a quick and easy 2-0, but I ended up winning 6-2. Basically, it's like one big chess match, and I'm Bobby Fischer.

The gameplay is rather impressive as well. The engine runs smoothly and does a great job with the animations in the game. But one thing that I have had a problem with is the difficulty level. Since I have gotten the hang of perfectly timing my shots, the game has become a little too easy. I'm still early in my career -- and I could always tweak the difficulty level -- so I might just be a head above the rest for right now. Hopefully, when I get to Robot Federer and Rafa I'll be shoved back down to Earth.

Career Mode

Career mode is shaping up to be fantastic. Some people are talking about how it lacks depth and exceeds in repetition, which is true, but if you're a true tennis fan then that is as realistic as it gets. I really don't want to dive too deep into talking about this mode since it will be the bulk of the final review, but I just want it to be known that if you love tennis then you will love the career you can build.


The controls in Top Spin 4 have improved from the series' last installment. The new shot timing ranges from very late to perfect, and the kind of shot you hit is based on how long you hold the button down. If you hold it down very briefly, then you will hit a safe shot. If you hold it down as long as possible, it will be a power shot, but what you gain in force you will lose in accuracy. And of course a perfect shot will keep your opponent running back and forth, while a late one can cost you the point.

Final Thoughts

If you're a tennis fan, you really should be playing this game rather than reading this article. And if you aren't a tennis fan, this game will make you one. Keep an eye out in the following days for the full review of Top Spin 4.

Dustin Toms is a staff writer at Operation Sports, specializing in basketball games. Born and raised in Washington state, he has made his life goal to personally see to David Stern's firing after the Seattle SuperSonics were relocated. Follow him on Twitter @eckoefx_OS.

Top Spin 4 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Blzer @ 03/22/11 12:12 AM
The demo is very fun, I just don't know how long a tennis game would last me, even Mario Tennis.

Great game though.
# 2 RUFFNREADY @ 03/22/11 12:22 AM
The game is really fun; here's some game footage:
# 3 ps3veron @ 03/22/11 08:03 AM
Excellent game and personally one of my current favorites!

Although I am a little perplexed at the lack of game modes. I would have loved a mini tourney a la TS3.
# 4 beermn76 @ 03/22/11 09:10 AM
Love this game... been playing almost non stop since it's release. The only thing I wish it had is custom tournaments... Other than that, fantastic game.
# 5 Dazraz @ 03/22/11 11:25 AM
As beermn76 states, custom tournaments would of been alot more interesting than the winner stays on mode that is pretty weak. The game doesn't cater much for offline multiplayer. Beyond that it is by far the best tennis game out there.
# 6 emelki1968 @ 03/22/11 05:47 PM
It is one of the most realistic sport games ever made. The gameplay is just fantastic, although I agree that career mode is lacking some variety.
# 7 clivo1050 @ 03/22/11 08:25 PM
I'm thinking about getting this game, however I just don't know if I have the time to play it. Between NBA 2k11 and fight night champion, I don't know if I can dedicate enough time to master it. I might start up my gamefly again and rent it for a while.
# 8 BrownsFan72 @ 03/22/11 09:55 PM
I am enjoying it. it is a very solid game. Good job 2k.
# 9 Uncle Stumpy @ 03/22/11 11:19 PM
Sounds good. I'm really torn though. Right now, I have money for one game, and Tiger Woods 12 is leading the way, basically because I really enjoy the online tourneys. I am also thinking about getting The Show...so torn. I like all 3 sports equally, which is to say, casually.

Decisions decisions
# 10 boritter @ 03/23/11 02:53 AM
My biggest complaint about the game is you cannot set up custom tournaments. My wife and I play co-op doubles.

But playing exhibition matches over and over gets old. It would be nice if you could set up a tournament and work your way through the bracket.
# 11 bigdoc85 @ 03/23/11 06:02 PM
2-player mode seems to be the best part of this game. My neighbor and I had a 3-set battle of Michael Chang vs. Andy Roddick.
# 12 evilc08 @ 03/23/11 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by boritter
My biggest complaint about the game is you cannot set up custom tournaments. My wife and I play co-op doubles.

But playing exhibition matches over and over gets old. It would be nice if you could set up a tournament and work your way through the bracket.
You're kidding me. I wanted to read reviews first and see impressions. I was worried that you could not set your custom tournaments with created players and/or setting the matches. Now the tourneys are gone too. Saves me some money for now I guess. Too bad it's probably a decent tennis sim like always.

Other things I wanted them to change but doubt they did were: 1) Up the aces against the computer. Too many times they hit back everything and the Aces come when it was right to them and they whiff.
2) The number of created players and being able to use them in a custom tourney like the grand slams. Last year I think you could only have 4 at a time, and maybe not even use them to play against. Either way it was limited.

For a game that comes out every few years, unlike yearly for other sports titles, I expect more.
# 13 T3B0W @ 03/24/11 11:40 AM
So no career mode with tournaments? Really?
# 14 rangerrick012 @ 03/24/11 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by T3B0W
So no career mode with tournaments? Really?
The career mode does have tournaments, as well as tournaments in the online world tour mode. People are complaining that there's no way to play tournaments offline outside of career mode.
# 15 T3B0W @ 03/26/11 12:16 AM
Oh ok. Thanks mate. I am buying this.
# 16 aloncho11 @ 05/15/11 02:47 AM
What is most amazing, very accurate and realistic in this game is footwork. Man if only other sports titles (like basketball) achieved the level of footwork this game has...Very good game, both for Tennis enthusiasts and casual players.
# 17 youvalss @ 06/04/11 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by aloncho11
What is most amazing, very accurate and realistic in this game is footwork. Man if only other sports titles (like basketball) achieved the level of footwork this game has...Very good game, both for Tennis enthusiasts and casual players.
Totally agree! I was watching some gameplay videos and was amazed.
# 18 BezO @ 06/10/11 11:08 AM
A few questions...

I'm seeing tournament complaints, that you can't play a tournament outside of career mode. Are you able to use existing players in career mode or do you have to create someone?

Also, is the lack of commentary effecting anyone's experience? I hated this about last year's game.
# 19 SoxFan01605 @ 06/12/11 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by BezO
A few questions...

I'm seeing tournament complaints, that you can't play a tournament outside of career mode. Are you able to use existing players in career mode or do you have to create someone?

Also, is the lack of commentary effecting anyone's experience? I hated this about last year's game.
1. Pretty sure you have to use a CAP in career mode. I never saw an option for using a pro.

2. It can, at least for me. During the flow of a rally it doesn't matter much IMO, but for big/exciting winners or in between games and sets, it's a bit of a let down to not get some type of commentary. The atmosphere in general is pretty unimpressive to me.
# 20 fearwhatnow @ 06/14/11 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by BezO
A few questions...

I'm seeing tournament complaints, that you can't play a tournament outside of career mode. Are you able to use existing players in career mode or do you have to create someone?

Also, is the lack of commentary effecting anyone's experience? I hated this about last year's game.
Only user created player can be used in career mode.I'm hoping 2k will release a patch or even better a DLC adding content like tournaments/players.
Commentary would be great only if it is at NBAk11 level.Dynamic commentary with lots of stories about players/tournaments plus various comments about tactical approach of each player on the court.Also two options for commentary:
1) Court Real time: Comments only when a point is scored by players.
2) TV Real Time: Comments when ball is in action and after a point is scored.

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